(sŭp′ū-rāt) [L. suppurare] To form or generate pus.
(sŭp-ū-rā′shŭn) [L. suppuratio] 1. The formation of pus. SEE: pus. 2. Pus.
(sŭp′ū-rā″tĭv, -ră-tĭv) [L. suppuratus] 1. Pert. to the generation of pus. SEE: pus; pyogenic. 2. An agent that produces pus.
[L. supra, above, on top] Prefix meaning above, beyond, or on the top side.
(soo′pră-bŭlj) The part of the crown of a tooth that curves toward the occlusal surface.
(soo″pră-sĕr′vĭ-kăl) [supra- + cervical] 1. Above the uterine cervix. 2. Above the cervical spine.
(soo″pră-sĭl′ē-ĕr″ē) [L. supra, above, on top, beyond, + cilia, eyelid] Superciliary.
(soo″pră-kŏs′tăl) [″ + costa, rib] Above the ribs.
(soo″pră-dī″ă-frăg-măt′ĭk) [″ + Gr. dia, across, + phragma, wall] Above the diaphragm.
(soo″prădŭk′shŭn) [″ + ducere, to lead] Turning upward of the eye.
(soo″pră-jin′jĭ-văl) Above the gingiva; pert. to the location of dental restorations, bacterial plaque, or calculus on the tooth. The gumline is the reference point between the subgingival and the supragingival. SEE: gumline; subgingival.
(soo″pră-glē′noyd) [″ + Gr. glene, socket, + eidos, form, shape] Above the glenoid cavity or fossa.
(soo″pră-glŏ-tī′ĭs) Epiglottitis.
(soo″pră-hē-păt′ĭk) [″ + Gr. hepar, liver] Located above the liver.
The digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, and stylohyoid muscles.
supralaryngeal airway
(soo″pră-lă-rin′j(ē-)ăl) SEE: under airway.
(soo″pră-lĭm′ĭ-năl) [L. supra, above, on top, beyond, + limen, threshold] 1. Above the threshold of consciousness; conscious. 2. Exceeding the stimulus threshold. SEE: subliminal.
(soo″pră-măm′ă-rē) [″ + mamma, breast] Located above the breast.
(soo″pră-măr′jĭn-ăl) [″ + marginalis, border] Located above any border.
(soo″pră-măk′sĭ-lĕr-ē) 1. Pert. to the upper jaw. 2. Located above the upper jaw.
(soo″pra-me-a′tell) [″ + meatus, passage] Above a meatus, esp. the suprameatal spine.
(soo″pră-mĕn′tăl) [L. supra, above, ...