The southeastern states of the U.S., where deaths from stroke are higher than in the rest of the country. The “buckle” on this belt, where death rates from stroke are highest, is North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Stroke vision, aphasia, neglect screening tool
ABBR: Stroke VAN. A rapid assessment tool used to identify acute ischemic stroke victims who may benefit from emergency endovascular treatment.
1. Effleurage. 2. A technique of slow tactile stimulation over the posterior primary rami, used to inhibit muscle responses and promote relaxation during neuromotor rehabilitation.
(strō′ma, strō′mă-tă) pl. stromata [Gr. strōma, stem strōmat-, bed covering] 1. The tissues that support the foundations of an organ as opposed to the functional parts of an organ (the parenchyma). SEE: parenchyma. 2. The membranous lipid-protein framework within a red blood cell to which hemoglobin molecules are attached.
corneal s. The supporting tissues of the cornea that are found between the Bowman and Decemet membranes. stromal, stromatic (strō′măl, strōmat′ik), adj.
(strō″mă-tō′sĭs) [″ + osis, condition] The presence of mesenchymal (structural) tissue infiltrating the uterine endometrium. Contrast with the term adenomyosis.
(strō′mă-līs-ĭn) ABBR: MMP-3. Member of the matrix metalloproteinase family of enzymes that plays a major role in the degradation of proteoglycans, gelatin, and other constituents of the extracellular matrix. Two forms of stromelysin have been described, stromelysin-1 and -2. Stromelysin-1 degrades proteoglycans, gelatin, fibronectin, laminin, collagen types III, IV, IX, and X. Stromelysin-2 degrades proteoglycans, fibronectin, laminin, and collagen type IV.
(strawng) 1. Potent. 2. Concentrated. 3. Biologically or chemically active; said, e.g., of acids, bases, electrolytes, and muscle tissue.
Strong Interest Inventory
(strong) [Edward K. Strong, U.S. psychologist, b. 1884] ABBR: SII. A psychological test that traditionally measures vocational interests but also identifies personality traits. Previous versions (the original was developed in 1927) were known as the Strong Vocational Interest Bank.
(stron″jĭ-loy′dēz″) [Strongyl(us) + -ides] A genus of roundworms that infect humans.
S. stercoralis A species that causes gastrointestinal infections (primarily in those from developing nations) and opportunistic infections (in the immunosuppressed). It may occasionally be life threatening. In the U.S., S. stercoralis is found mainly in the rural South. The ova hatch in the intestines of the host, and rod-shaped larvae are passed in the stool. In the soil, these may develop into adults and continue their life cycle or may metamorphose into filariform larvae that can infect humans. The filariform ...