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(strech) To draw out or extend to full length.

dynamic s. Stretching that involves controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso twists that gradually increase one’s reach, speed of movement, or both.

static s. A sustained, low-intensity lengthening of soft tissue, e.g., muscle, tendon, or joint capsule, performed to increase range of motion. The stretch force may be applied continuously for as short as 15 to 30 sec or as long as several hours.


(strech′er) A litter, equipped with wheels, used for transporting patients. SYN: gurney.

basket s. A stretcher made of metal or strong synthetic material in which a patient is placed so he or she can be securely extracted by Emergency Medical Services from an accident or otherwise inaccessible site. The stretcher may also be lifted by ropes. SYN: Stokes stretcher.

orthopedic s. A metal stretcher that is hinged along its long axis and designed to be split so that it can be placed on both sides of the patient and then reassembled to lift the patient. SYN: scoop s.

pole s. A type of stretcher, also known as the Army type, composed of folding cloth or canvas supported by poles.

scoop s. Orthopedic s.

spineboard s. A type of stretcher made from a wooden board or strong synthetic material used to secure patients with spinal trauma to prevent movement and possible paralysis; also called a long backboard.

split-frame (scoop) s. A metal stretcher that can be split down the middle, slid under a patient, and reconnected. This device is used for moving patients from narrow spaces but is not designed for spinal immobilization.

Stokes s. Basket s.


Flexibility training.

stretch mark

SEE: under mark.


(strī′ă, strī′ē) pl. striae [L., stria, furrow] A line, stripe, ridge, or thin band that is visible because it contrasts with the surrounding tissue. It may be elevated or of a different color or texture. SEE: streak.

s. atrophica A fine pinkish-white or gray line, usually 14 cm long, seen in parts of the body where skin has been stretched. It is commonly seen on thighs, abdomen, and breasts of women who are or have been pregnant; in those whose skin has been stretched by obesity, tumor, or edema; or in people who have taken adrenocortical hormones for a prolonged period. SYN: stretch mark; s. gravidarum. SEE: illus.




Abdomen of a gravid woman at term



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