(stĕr′ĭ-līz) [L. sterilis, barren] 1. To free from microorganisms. 2. To make incapable of reproduction.
(ster′ĭ-lī″zĕr) An oven or appliance for sterilizing.
steam s. An autoclave that sterilizes by steam under pressure at temperatures above 100°C.
(stĕr′năd) [Gr. sternon, chest] Toward the sternum.
(stĕr′nē-bră, stĕr′nē-brē) pl. sternebrae [″ + L. vertebra, vertebra] Parts of the sternum during development of the fetus.
(stĕr′nĕn) [Gr. sternon, chest] Pert. solely to the sternum and no other structures.
[Gr. sternon, chest] Prefixes meaning sternum, breast, breastbone.
(stĕr″nō-klă-vĭk′ū-lăr) [″ + L. clavicula, little key] Pert. to the sternum and clavicle. SYN: sternocleidal.
(stĕr″nō-klī″dō-măs′toyd) [″ + clavis, key, + mastos, breast, + eidos, form, shape] One of two muscles arising from the sternum and inner part of the clavicle.
(stĕr″nō-kŏs′tăl) [″ + L. costa, rib] Pert. to the sternum and ribs.
(stĕr″nō-hī′oyd) [″ + hyoeides, U-shaped] The muscle from the medial end of the clavicle and sternum to the hyoid bone.
(stĕr″nō-măs′toyd) [″ + mastos, breast, + eidos, form, shape] Pert. to the sternum and mastoid process of the temporal bone.
(stĕr″nō-thī′royd) [″ + thyreos, shield, + eidos, form, shape] The muscle extending beneath the sternohyoid that depresses the thyroid cartilage.
(stĕr-nŏt′ō-mē) [″ + tome, incision] The operation of cutting through the sternum. SEE: illus.
Sternotomy scar that is nearly healed
(stĕr″nō-vĕr′tĕ-brăl) [″ + L. vertebra, vertebra] Pert. to the sternum and vertebrae.
(stĕr′nŭm) [L.] The narrow, flat bone in the median line of the thorax in front. It consists of three portions: the manubrium, the body or gladiolus, and the ensiform or xiphoid process. SEE: illus.
cleft s. A congenital fissure of the sternum.
(stĕr′oyd) 1. An organic compound containing in its chemical nucleus the perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene ring. SEE: steroid hormone for illus.; perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene. 2. Any of a large group of substances chemically related to sterols, including cholesterol, D vitamins, bile acids, certain hormones, saponins, glucosides of digitalis, and certain ...