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(spī-rŏm′ĕ-trē) [L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. metron, measure] Measurement of air flow and lung volumes. SEE: pulmonary function test.

incentive s. Spirometry in which visual and vocal stimuli are given to the patient to produce maximum effort during deep breathing. Incentive spirometry is used most often in postoperative patients to prevent atelectasis. SEE: illus.






(spĭs′āt-ĕd) [L. spissatus] Inspissated.


(spĭt) [AS. spittan] 1. Saliva. 2. To expectorate spittle.


(spĭt′tl) [AS. spatl] Saliva.

spit tobacco SEE: under tobacco.

splanchn-, splanchno-

Prefixes meaning viscera or splanchnic nerve.


(splangk′nă) [Gr. splanchna, the innards, viscera] The viscera.


(splangk′nik) [Gr. splanchnikos, pert. to the splanchna, the viscera] Pert. to the viscera.


(splangk″nĭ-sek′tŏ-me) [splanchnic + -ectomy] Resection of the splanchnic nerves.


(splangk″nĭ-kot′ŏ-mē) [splanchnic + -tomy] Section of a splanchnic nerve.


(splangk″nō-krā′nē-ŭm) [splanchno- + cranium] Viscerocranium.


(splangk-nol′ŏ-jē) [splanchno- + -logy] The study of the viscera.

splatter, spatter

(splat′ĕr, spat′ĕr) 1. The airborne distribution of particles, e.g., during dental or surgical procedures.

image To avoid exposure to potentially infectious agents or other hazardous particles during procedures in which splatter is anticipated, exposed personnel should wear protective equipment such as goggles, mask or faceshield, gowns, and gloves.

2. The scattering of radiation outside an imaging field. Radiation splatter may pose health hazards to patients and health professional staff.


(splā′foot″) Flatfoot.


(splēn) [Gr. splen] A dark red, oval lymphoid organ in the upper left abdominal quadrant posterior and slightly inferior to the stomach; on the inferior side is the hilum, an indentation at which the splenic vessels and nerves enter or exit. The spleen is surrounded by an outer capsule of connective tissue from which strands of connective tissue (trabeculae) extend into the soft pulp (functional tissue), dividing the spleen into compartments.

 The white pulp, composed of lymphocytes and follicles, forms sheaths around arterial vessels and collects in larger nodules containing germinal centers. The red pulp contains vascular sinuses and sinusoids with highly permeable walls, and spongelike splenic cords filled with macrophages and dendritic cells. The spleen is part of the ...

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