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(sou′dah) Onchocerciasis; river blindness.

soybean, soy

(soy′bēn″) [Dutch or L. fm. Japanese fm. Chinese + bean] A legume (Glycine max) used as a source of several nitrogen-rich foods, including beverages, curd (tofu), flour, textured meat substitutes, and oils. Forty percent of raw soybean is protein. The bean can be processed to remove its oils and carbohydrates to isolate soy protein, a foodstuff containing all of the essential amino acids. In the U.S., most of the soybean crop has been genetically modified to make the plant resistant to commercial weed killers. Soy products have multiple health effects related to reducing (or increasing) cancer risk, improving bone health, reducing blood pressure, and impacting human hormone levels, among others.

soybean oil SEE: under oil.


[L., spiritus] spirit; species.


(spah) [Spa, a Belgian resort town] A mineral spring, esp. one allegedly having healing properties.

medical s. A spa in which nonsurgical esthetic procedures are carried out, including the rejuvenation or improvement of the appearance of the skin. A medical spa differs from other spas in that a physician or surgeon rather than an aesthetician (a professional trained in the administration of facials and advising clients on makeup and taking care of skin, hair, nails, etc.) oversees patients and treatments.


(spās) [L. spatium, space] 1. An area, region, or segment. 2. A cavity of the body. SYN: spatium. 3. A period or length of time; duration. 4. Outer space, that is, any place that is outside the habitable atmosphere of earth.

alveolar dead s. The volume of gas in alveoli that are ventilated but not perfused, or ventilated but not fully perfused.

anatomical dead s. In pulmonary physiology, the area in the trachea, bronchi, and air passages containing air that does not reach the alveoli during inspiration and is not involved in gas exchange. This is termed dead space because the air does not reach the alveoli and is not involved in gas exchange. Normal anatomical dead space is 2.2 mL/kg or 1 mL/lb. SYN: dead space (1). SEE: physiological dead s.

circumlental s. The space between the equator of the lens and the ciliary body.

closest speaking s. The space between the teeth during casual repetition of the sound s. It is considered the closest relationship of the occlusal surfaces and incisal edges of the mandibular teeth to the maxillary teeth during function and rapid speech.

dead s. 1. Anatomical dead s. 2. The unobliterated space remaining after closure of a surgical wound. This space favors the accumulation of blood and eventually infection.

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