(skēt′ĕr) [Humorous pronunciation of mosquito] A colloquial term for an extensive localized reaction to a mosquito bite.
(skān) A continuous, loose coil, as of yarn or thread.
(skĕl′ĕ-tăl) [Gr. skeleton, a dried-up body] Pert. to the skeleton.
skeletal-related event
The metastasis of a tumor to bone, and/or its clinical effects.
A radiographic study of the entire skeleton to look for evidence of occult fractures, multiple myeloma, metastatic tumor, or child abuse.
The bony framework of the body. SEE: skeleton.
skeletal traction SEE: under traction.
[Gr., skeleto-, dried up, withered, a mummy] Prefixes meaning skeleton.
(skel′ĕt-ŏn) [Gr. skeletos, dried-up (body)] The bony framework of the body consisting of 206 bones: 80 axial or trunk and 126 of the limbs (appendicular). This number does not include teeth or sesamoid bones other than the patella. SEE: illus.; table.
anterior view of the axial (bone colored) and appendicular (blue colored) skeleton
appendicular s. The bones that make up the shoulder girdle, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities.
axial s. The bones of the skull, vertebral column, and limb girdles.
cartilaginous s. The part of the skeleton formed by cartilage, as of the ribs and joints. Cartilage is more flexible and resistant to resorption due to pressure than bone is.
(skēn) Scots-born U.S. gynecologist, 1838–1900.
S. duct Either of the two slender ducts of the Skene glands that open on either side of the urethral orifice in women. SYN: paraurethral duct.
S. gland Any of the glands lying just inside of and on the posterior area of the urethra in the female. If the margins of the urethra are drawn apart and the mucous membrane gently everted, the two small openings of the Skene tubules or glands, one on each side of the floor of the urethra, become visible. Trauma frequently causes a gaping of the urethra and ectropion of the mucous membrane. In acute gonorrhea, these glands are almost always infected. SYN: paraurethral gland.