(skor-bū′tĭk) [L. scorbuticus, scurvy] Pert. to scurvy.
(skor-bū′tŭs) [L., scurvy] Scurvy.
(skor) 1. A rating tool or scale to assess the level of health or the severity of an illness. Particular scores are listed under the first word. SEE: e.g., ABCD score; cardiac calcium score; Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology. 2. A rating or grade as compared with a standard of other individuals, esp. in a competitive event. 3. To mark the skin with lines in order to have landmarks available, as in plastic surgery. 4. A notch in the center of a tablet for facilitating the division of the pill into two parts.
(skor′kard″) Any method used to evaluate personal or institutional performance, e.g., the compliance of health care professionals with accepted standards of care, or the satisfaction of patients with their health care experiences.
Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology ABBR: SNAP. A measure of the severity of illness in newborns in neonatal intensive care that assigns risk points to the mean blood pressure, lowest body temperature, ratio of the oxygen saturation to the FIO2, serum pH, urinary output, presence of multiple seizures, size for gestational age, birth weight, and Apgar scores to gauge the likelihood of morbidity and mortality. A variation of this risk assessment tool is the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology with Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE).
A standardized method for evaluating the status of a disease, a laboratory specimen, or a radiologic image. Measurable elements of the object under study are rated according to their severity or stage, and the sum of the scores for each rated element is tallied.
(skor″pēn′ĭd-ē) [L. Scorpaena, the type genus, fr Gr. skorpaina + -idae] SEE: scorpionfish.
(skor′pē-ŏn) [L. scorpio, stem scorpion- fr Gr skorpios, scorpion] An arthropod of the class Arachnida, order Scorpionida. Scorpions vary in length from less than 2 in (5 cm) for the small bark scorpions of Arizona to 8 in (20 cm) for some African scorpions. Most scorpions are nocturnal and reclusive and are most active when the night temperatures remain above 70°F (21°C). The tail of the scorpion contains two venom glands connected to the tip of the stinger.
red s. A species (Mesobuthus tamulus) of the family Buthidae found mostly in India and neighboring countries.
scorpionfish, scorpion fish
(skor′pē-ŏn-fĭsh) Any of the marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae that have spines coated with extremely toxic mucus and are found in coral reefs worldwide. Those who handle these fish may be stung or even killed by the tissue-destructive enzymes and ...