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[Gr. schisis, division, splitting] Suffix meaning cleaving, cleft, split, splitting.


[Gr. schistos, split, fr. schizein, to split] Prefix meaning split, cleft.


(skĭs″tō-sĕf′ă-lŭs) [″ + kephale, head] A fetus with a cleft head.


(skis′tŏ-sīt″, shis′tŏ-sīt″) [schisto- + -cyte] A fragmented red blood cell that appears in the blood in a variety of abnormal shapes, from small triangular forms to round cells with irregular surfaces. Schistocytes are found in patients with hemolytic anemias, severe burns, and several other conditions. SYN: schizocyte. SEE: illus.




In peripheral blood (×600)



(skĭs″tō-sī-tō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] Schistocytes in the blood. SYN: schizocytosis.


(skis″tŏ-sō′mă, shis″tŏ-sō′ mă) [schisto- + -some, -soma] A genus of parasitic blood flukes belonging to the family Schistosomatidae, class Trematoda.

S. haematobium A species common in Africa and southwestern Asia. Adults infest the pelvic veins of the vesical plexus. Eggs work their way through the bladder wall of the host and are discharged in the urine. Urinary schistosomiasis is caused by this organism.

S. intercalatum A species endemic in central and western Africa. The adult worms of the species resemble S. haematobium, but the worms tend to collect in the rectum, causing painful defecation, rather than in the urinary bladder.

S. japonicum A species common in many parts of Asia. Adults live principally in branches of the superior mesenteric vein. Eggs work their way through the intestinal wall of the host into the lumen and are discharged with feces. This species also causes Oriental schistosomiasis.

S. mansoni A species occurring in many parts of Africa and tropical America, including the West Indies. Adults live in branches of the inferior mesenteric veins. Eggs are discharged through either the host’s intestine or bladder. This species causes bilharzial dysentery or Manson’s intestinal schistosomiasis.

S. mekongi A species found principally in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. The adult worms resemble S. japonicum.


(skĭs″tō-sō′mē-ă) [″ + soma, body] A deformed fetus with a fissure in the abdomen. The limbs are rudimentary if present.


(shis″tŏ-sō-mī′ă-sĭs, skis″tŏ-sō-mī′ă-sĭs) [schistosome + -iasis] Any of several parasitic tropical diseases caused by infestation with flukes of the genus Schistosoma that may colonize the urinary tract, mesenteries, liver, spleen, or biliary tree. SYN: bilharziasis; snail fever.

 INCIDENCE: Although schistosomiasis is rare in the U.S., it is endemic in Asia, Africa, South America, and some ...

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