The tendency to overidentify a finding in a population because of a previously known association between an element present in the population and that finding. SYN: ascertainment bias; surveillance bias.
(som-shō-don′ă) In Ayurvedic medicine, detoxification of the body before its rejuvenation with rasayana.
(sam′tĕr) [Max Samter, Ger. immunologist, 1909–1999] Aspirin allergy, asthma, and nasal polyposis.
(săn″ă-tō′rē-ŭm) [L. sanatorius, healing] Sanitarium. sand (sănd) Fine grains of disintegrated rock.
brain s. Concretion of matter near the base of the pineal gland. SYN: corpora arenacea.
sandfly fever SEE: under fever.
(sand′hof″) [K. Sandhoff, Ger. biochemist, b. 1939] A rare form of Tay-Sachs disease in which two essential enzymes (hexosaminidase A and B) for metabolizing gangliosides are absent. In Tay-Sachs disease only one enzyme, hexosaminidase A, is absent.
Sandifer syndrome (sand′ĭ-fĕr) [Paul Sandifer, 20th-cent. U.K. neurologist] Torticollis or dystonia accompanying gastroesophageal reflux in childhood.
SANE (sān) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.
(san) [L. sanus, healthy] Sound of mind; mentally normal.
(san″fĭ-lip′ō) [S. J. Sanfilippo, U.S. pediatrician, 1926–2013] Mucopolysaccharidosis that has been further differentiated into Sanfilippo A, B, C, or D, on the basis of the specific enzyme deficiency present in each form. Clinically, it may not be possible to distinguish the types. Present are moderate coarse facies, severe mental retardation, and mild hepatosplenomegaly. Corneal clouding is absent and growth is normal. SYN: mucopolysaccharidosis III.
Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot.
(sang-gwin′ă-rĭn, sang′gwin′ă-rēn″) [L. sanguinar(ius), bloody + -ine] A bitter, toxic alkaloid used as an oral rinse and in toothpaste to treat dental plaque and gingivitis. SEE: bloodroot.
(săng′gwĭn) [L. sanguineus, bloody] 1. Optimistic; cheerful. 2. Plethoric, bloody; marked by abundant and active blood circulation, particularly a ruddy complexion. 3. Pert. to or consisting of blood.
sanguineous, sanguinous
(sang-gwin′ēŭs, sang′gwĭ′nŭs) [L. sanguineus, bloody] 1. Pert. to blood; bloody. 2. Having an abundance of blood. SYN: plethoric.
(săng″gwĭ-nō-pū′rūlĕnt) [″ + purulentus, full of pus] Concerning or containing blood and pus.
(sā′nē-ēz) [L., thin, fetid pus] A thin, fetid, greenish discharge from a wound or ulcer, appearing as pus tinged with blood.
(sā″nē-ō-pū′roo-lĕnt) [L. sanies,...