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rule in

A colloquial term for meeting the diagnostic criteria for a specific disease, esp. for a myocardial infarction.

rule out

In medicine, to eliminate or exclude one diagnostic possibility from the list of causes of a patient’s presenting signs and symptoms.


[origin obscure] 1. An alcoholic beverage prepared from fermented sugar cane juice. 2. Colloquially, any alcoholic beverage.

Rumex acetosella

(roo′meks″) The botanical (scientific) name for sheep sorrel. SYN: sheep sorrel.

rum fits

A colloquial phrase for alcohol withdrawal seizures. Most occur during the 7- to 48-hr period following abstinence. There may be a single seizure, but most occur in bursts of two to six. These seizures do not represent latent epilepsy.


(roo′mĭ-nănt) [L. ruminari, to chew the cud, meditate, ruminate] Pert. to a mammal such as an ungulate or swine that chews the cud (regurgitates food in order to chew it again). SEE: herbivorous; ungulate.


(roo″mĭ-nā′shŭn) [L. ruminatio] 1. Regurgitation, esp. with rechewing, of previously swallowed food. This condition may be present in otherwise normal individuals, in emotionally deprived or mentally retarded infants, or in mentally retarded adults. Infants with rumination disorder often have weight loss, malnutrition, and failure to thrive. 2. In psychiatry, an obsessional preoccupation by a single idea or a set of thoughts, with an inability to dismiss or dislodge them. Also called merycism.


(roo″mĭ-nō-kok′ŭs) A genus of anaerobic gram-positive bacteria found in the intestinal tract of humans and other animals.


(rŭm′ă-jĭng) [Fr. arrumer, to store cargo in the hold of a ship] Searching for lost objects, often in an aimless, repetitive, or fruitless manner. It is a characteristic of some patients affected by dementias and other brain diseases.


(rŭmp) [ME. rumpe] The posterior end of the back, the gluteal region, or the buttocks.

Rumpf symptom

(rumpf) [Heinrich Theodor Rumpf, Ger. physician, 1851–1923] A quickening of the pulse when pressure is exerted over a painful spot.


[AS. rinnan, run] 1. To move the body by propelling oneself with one leg at a time rapidly over the ground. 2. In health care administration, a series of data points gathered from performance.

runaround, runround


runners’ high

Feelings of relaxation or euphoria experienced by some people who participate in an intensive aerobic exercise program.


(roo′pē-ă) [L. rupia,...

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