(rī″nō-kăn-thĕk′tō-mē) [Gr. rhis, nose, + kanthos, canthus, + ektome, excision] Surgical excision of the inner corner of the eye.
(rī″nō-sĕf′ă-lē) [″ + kephale, head] A congenital deformity in which the eyes are fused and the nose is present as a fleshy protuberance above the eyes.
(rī″nō-kī′lō-plăs″tē) [″ + cheilos, lip, + plastos, formed] Plastic surgery of the nose and upper lip.
(rī″nō-dăk′rē-ō-lĭth) [″ + dakryon, tear, + lithos, stone] A stone in the nasolacrimal duct.
(rī-nŏj′ĕn-ŭs) [″ + gennan, to produce] Originating in the nose.
(rī″nō-kī-fō′sĭs) [″ + kyphos, hump, + osis, condition] A deformity of the bridge of the nose.
(rī″nŏ-lā′lē-ă) [rhino- + -lalia] An overly nasal quality of the voice.
(rī″nō-lăr″ĭn-jī′tĭs) [″ + larynx, larynx, + itis, inflammation] Simultaneous inflammation of the mucosa of the nose and larynx.
(rī′nō-rĭth) [″ + lithos, stone] A nasal stone.
(rī″nō-rĭth-ī′a-sĭs) The formation of nasal stones.
(rī-nŏl′ō-jĭst) [″ + logos, word, reason] A specialist in diseases of the nose.
(rī-nŏl′ō-jē) The science of the nose and its diseases.
(rī″nō-mă-nŏm′ĕ-trē) The measurement of air flow through and air pressure in the nose.
(rī-nŏm′ĕt-ĕr) A device for measuring the nose or its cavities.
(rī″nō-mī-kō′sĭs) [″ + mykes, fungus, + osis, condition] Fungi in the mucous membranes and secretions of the nose.
(rī″nō-nē-krō′sĭs) [″ + nekrosis, state of death] Necrosis of the nasal bones.
(rī-nŏp′ă-thē) [″ + pathos, disease] Any nasal disease.
(rī″nō-fă-rĭn′jē-ăl) Pert. to the nasopharynx.
(rī″nō-făr-ĭn-jī′tĭs) [″ + pharynx, throat, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the nasopharynx.
(rī″nō-făr-ĭn′gō-sēl) [″ + ″ + kele, tumor, swelling] A nasopharyngeal tumor.
(rī″nō-făr-ĭn′gō-lĭth) [″ + ″ + lithos, stone] A stone in the nasopharynx.
(rī″nō-făr′ĭnks) Nasopharynx.
(rī″nō-fō′nē-ă) Rhinolalia.
(rī″nō-fī″kō-mī-kō′sĭs) [″ + phykos, seaweed, + mykes, fungus, + osis, condition] ...