(rĕt″rō-kŭr′sĭv) [L. retro, back, + curro, to run] Stepping or turning backward.
(rĕt″rō-dē″vē-ā′shŭn) [″ + deviare, to turn aside] Backward displacement, as of an organ.
(rĕt″rō-dĭs-plās′mĕnt) [″ + Fr. desplacer, displace] Backward displacement of a part.
(re″trō-ĕ-sof″ă-ē′ăl) [retro- + esophageal] Posterior to the esophagus.
(re′trō-fil″ing) In dentistry, the placement of filling material in a root canal through an opening made in the apex of the tooth.
(rĕt″rō-flĕk′shŭn) A bending or flexing backward. retroflexed, adj.
r. of uterus A condition in which the body of the uterus is bent backward at an angle with the cervix, whose position usually remains unchanged.
(rĕt″rō-năth′ē-ă) [L. retro, back, + Gr. gnathos, jaw] Location of the mandible behind the frontal plane of the maxilla.
(rĕt″rō-năth′ĭzm) [″ + Gr. gnathos, jaw] The condition of having retrognathia.
(re′trō-grād″) [retro- + L. gradi, to step, walk] 1. Moving backward. 2. Degenerating from a better to a worse state.
The flow of fluid in a direction opposite to that considered normal.
retrograde pyelography
A surgical procedure used to visualize the renal pelvis and ureter in which an endoscope is placed through the urethra into the urinary bladder and a catheter is placed into the ureter to instill a contrast medium.
(rĕt″rŏg′ră-fē) [″ + Gr. graphein, to write] Mirror writing, a symptom of certain brain diseases. It also may be present in persons with dyslexia.
(rĕt″rō-grĕsh′ŭn) [L. retrogressus, go backward] A going backward, as in the involution, degeneration, or atrophy of a tissue or structure.
(rĕt″rō-jĕk′shŭn) [″ + jacio, throw] Washing out a cavity from within by injection of a fluid.
(rĕt″rō-lăb″ĭ-rĭn′thĭn) [L. retro, behind + Gr. labyrinthos, a maze] Located behind the labyrinth of the ear.
(re-trō-lent′ăl) [retro- + lens] Posterior to the crystalline lens. SYN: retrolenticular.
(re″trō-len-tik′yŭ-lăr) [retro- + lenticular] Retrolental.
(re″trō-ling′gwăl) [retro- + lingual] Posterior to the tongue.
(re″trō-mam′ă-rē) [retro- + mammary] Posterior to the mammary gland.