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(rĕz′ĭ-noyd) [″ + Gr. eidos, form, shape] Resembling a resin.


(rĕz′ĭ-nŭs) Having the nature of or pert. to resin.

res ipsa loquitur

(rās ĭp′să lō′kwĭ-tur, rēz) [L. res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself] In malpractice a concept invoked in cases in which an injury occurs to the plaintiff in a situation solely under the control of the defendant. The injury would not have occurred had the defendant exercised due care. The defendant must then defend his or her actions. In medicine, the classic example of this situation is the leaving of an object such as a sponge or clamp in a patient’s body after a surgical procedure, or the inadvertent removal of a healthy organ or extremity.


(ri-zis′tăns) [L. resistere, to remain standing] 1. Opposition to a disease, a toxin, or to a physical force. 2. In psychoanalysis, a condition in which the ego avoids bringing into consciousness conflicts and unpleasant events responsible for neurosis; the reluctance of a patient to give up old patterns of thought and behavior. It may take various forms such as silence, failure to remember dreams, forgetfulness, and undue annoyance with trivial aspects of the treatment situation. 3. Force applied to a body part by weights, machinery, or another person during strength-building exercise.

acquired r. Drug resistance that results from treatment.

airway r. The impedance to the flow of air into and out of the respiratory tract, measured in cm H2O/L/s. Normal airway resistance is 4 cm H2O/L/s.

antibiotic r. The ability of microorganisms to survive in the presence of antibiotics. Mutations have provided some bacteria with genes for enzymes that destroy antibiotics such as penicillins, cephalosporins, or aminoglycosides. Other mutations have changed the structure of bacterial cell walls formerly penetrable by antibiotics or have created new enzymes for cellular functions previously blocked by drugs. SYN: antibiotic nonsusceptibility; antimicrobial resistance. SEE: vancomycin-resistant enterococci; resistance transfer factor; methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

image The indiscriminate use of antibiotics provides the selection pressure that creates ever more resistant strains.

antimicrobial r. Antibiotic r.

antiviral r. The developed resistance of a virus to specific antiviral therapy.

bacterial r. The ability of bacteria to survive and cause continuous infection in the presence of antibiotics. SEE: antiviral r.; antibiotic r.; multidrug r.; transfer factor.

bedtime r. Misbehaving, stalling tactics, or temper tantrums used by children to avoid going to bed on time. Bedtime resistance may be caused by a variety of emotional or psychological factors, e.g., fear of the dark, loneliness, or the desire for more attention.

beta-lactamase r. The ability of microorganisms that produce the enzyme ...

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