(rē-prĕsh′ŭn) [L. repressus, press back] In psychology, the refusal to entertain distressing or painful ideas. In Freudian theory, repression involves the submersion of such thoughts in the unconscious, where they continue to influence the individual. Psychoanalysis seeks to discover and release repressions.
coordinate r. Simultaneous reduction of the enzyme levels of a metabolic pathway.
enzyme r. Interference with enzyme synthesis by a metabolic product.
(rē-prĕs′or) [L. repressus, press back] Something, esp. an enzyme, that inhibits or interferes with the initiation of protein synthesis by genetic material.
(re-prŭ-mand) Criticism or disapproval of one’s practices or work, issued by a supervisory body or board.
Preparation of a dialysis membrane (or other medical device) for reuse with rinses and sterilizing solutions.
reprocessing of endoscopes
Preparation of endoscopes for reuse by scrupulous cleaning and sterilization. Antimicrobial agents, such as glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, orthophthalaldehyde or peracetic acid, may be used.
PATIENT CARE: To protect patients from infections transmitted by reused endoscopes, the following procedures are to be followed when using glutaraldehyde: 1. The endoscope is manually cleaned externally; 2. Detergent is drawn through the accessory channel; 3. The chamber and valves of the accessory channel are carefully brushed; 4. Reusable forceps are sterilized; 5. The endoscope is treated with a 2.4% solution of glutaraldehyde, heated to 77°F (25°C) for 45 min; and, 6. The strength of the disinfectant solution is tested daily.
The reusable endoscope has been linked to more infectious complications than any other medical device.
(rē-prō-doos-ĭ-bĭl′ĭ-tē) 1. The quality of being provable again by repeated experimentation. SEE: research. 2. A quality control test of radiographical output for multiple exposures using the same exposure factors. These factors must not vary by more than ±5%.
(rē-prō-dŭk′shŭn) [L. re, again, + productio, production] 1. The production of offspring by parents. SEE: fertilization for illus; oogenesis for illus. 2. The creation of a similar structure or situation; duplication.
assisted r. Any of the techniques to assist infertile women to conceive and give birth. These include hormonal stimulation of ovulation and operative techniques such as in vitro fertilization with embryonic transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer for women whose infertility results from tubal factors, and gamete intrafallopian transfer for couples whose infertility stems from semen inadequacy. SYN: assisted reproductive technology.
asexual r. Reproduction without the union of gametes, as by fission, budding, or spore formation. SYN: asexual generation.
cytogenic r. Reproduction by asexual single germ cells.
sexual r. Reproduction by means of the union ...