(rĭ-lēf) [ME.] 1. The alleviation or removal of a distressing or painful symptom. 2. Assistance given to the poor, homeless, or those whose lives have been changed by mass casualty incidents or other catastrophes. Relief may be provided in the form of food, clothing, shelter, loans, or cash, as well as other goods and services.
religiosity, impaired
Impaired ability to exercise reliance on beliefs and/or participate in rituals of a particular faith tradition.
religiosity, readiness for enhanced
A pattern of reliance on religious beliefs and/or participation in rituals of a particular faith tradition, which can be strengthened. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
religiosity, risk for impaired
Susceptible to an impaired ability to exercise reliance on beliefs and/or participate in rituals of a particular faith tradition, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
(rē-līn′) In dentistry, to replace or resurface the lining of a denture.
relocation stress syndrome
Physiological and/or psychosocial disturbances following transfer from one environment to another. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
A clinical test to identify the presence of anterior glenohumeral instability. The patient is placed supine, the glenohumeral joint abducted to 90° with the elbow flexed to 90°. While maintaining a posteriorly directed pressure on the humeral head, the examiner externally rotates the humerus. The test is used only after a positive apprehension test for glenohumeral instability. A positive relocation test is marked by decreased apprehension and pain, and increased range of motion relative to the apprehension test. SEE: sudden release test.
(rĕm) rapid eye movement.
(rĕm) roentgen equivalent (in) man.
(rā′mok″) [Ernest Julius Remak, Ger. neurologist, 1849–1911] A sign or symptom pert. to perception of stimuli. It can be one of two types: a single stimulus may be perceived as if it were several stimuli applied in separate locations (polyesthesia), or there maybe a delay in perception of stimuli. Both types are seen in tabes dorsalis.
REM behavior disorder, rapid eye movement sleep disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder
ABBR: RBD. A relatively rare sleep disorder in which people act out their dreams during REM sleep, a phase of sleep during which most people are normally paralyzed.
INCIDENCE: RBD is found most often in men over the age of 60.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: Sudden and potentially dangerous limb movements, grunting vocalizations, and disruption of the normal continuity of sleep are common findings. An episode of RBD often disrupts the sleep of ...