1. A device for adjusting or controlling the rate of flow or administration of gases, e.g., oxygen, or fluids (including blood). 2. SEE: under gene. 3. A governing agency or body, i.e., an institution that oversees health care practices.
(rē-gŭr′jĭ-tănt) [L. re, again, + gurgitare, to flood] Throwing back or flowing in a direction opposite to normal.
(rē-gŭr′jĭ-tā′shŭn) A backward flowing, as in the return of solids or fluids to the mouth from the stomach or the backflow of blood through a defective heart valve.
aortic r. Aortic insufficiency.
duodenal r. A return flow of chyme from the duodenum to the stomach.
functional r. Regurgitation caused not by valvular disorder but by dilatation of ventricles, the great vessels, or valve rings.
mitral r. ABBR: MR. A backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium, resulting from imperfect closure of the mitral (bicuspid) valve. It may result from congenital anomalies of the valve, connective tissue disorders (such as Marfan syndrome), infective endocarditis, ischemic damage to the valve or its supporting chordae, rheumatic valvulitis, or other degenerative conditions.
Congestive heart failure or atrial fibrillation may be complications of severe MR. The degree of regurgitation can be judged by echocardiography or angiography. Valve reconstruction or valve replacement surgeries can be used to repair the defect. SYN: mitral insufficiency.
pulmonic r. A backflow of blood from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle.
tricuspid r. A backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium.
valvular r. A backflow of blood through a valve, esp. a heart valve, that is not completely closed as it would normally be.
(rē′hab″dāt″ă) A computerized bibliographical database of rehabilitation information supplied by the National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC). Topics included in the REHABDATA database include vocational rehabilitation, the cost of rehabilitation and community-based services; medical rehabilitation and policy issues, including health care policy and costs as they relate to people with disabilities; and community integration. For information, contact National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 600, Landover, MD 20785 800/346-2742 (V); 301/459-5900 (V); 301/459-5984 (TTY) naricinfo@heitechservices.com
(rē″hă-bil″ĭ-tā′shŏn) [L. rehabilitare, to restore] 1. The treatment and education that help the disabled to attain maximum function, a sense of well-being, and a personally satisfying level of independence. Rehabilitation may be necessitated by any disease or injury that causes mental or physical impairment serious enough to result in functional limitation or disability. The postmyocardial infarction patient, the post-trauma patient, patients with psychological illnesses, and the postsurgical patient need and can benefit from rehabilitation efforts. The combined efforts of ...