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reflex decay test

A test used in audiometry to see how the eardrum responds to a loud tone applied either directly to the ear of interest or to the opposite (contralateral) ear. The sonic stimulus makes the stapedius muscle contract. Data from the test help to determine whether abnormal responses to the tone are the result of damage to the acoustic nerve or to the cochlea.


(rĭ-flĕks″ō-jĕn′ĭk) [L. reflexus, bend back, + Gr. gennan, to produce] Causing a reflex action.


(rĭ″flĕks-ŏj′ĕ-nŭs) Reflexogenic.


(rē″flĕk-sŏl′ō-jē) [″ + Gr. logos, word, reason] 1. The study of the anatomy and physiology of reflexes. 2. A system of massage in which the feet and sometimes the hands are massaged in an attempt to favorably influence other body functions.


(rē-flĕks″ō-thĕr′ă-pē) [″ + Gr. therapeia, treatment] Treatment by manipulating, anesthetizing, or cauterizing an area distant from the location of the disorder. SEE: spondylotherapy.

reflex testing, reflexive testing

A laboratory test that is automatically obtained when the results of a screening test indicate the need for further study. Examples of reflex tests include determination of the antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria that are identified in culture specimens; and determination of an enzyme immunoassay test for HIV when an antibody test for the virus is present in a sample of body fluids.


(rē′flŭks) [re- + flux] A return or backward flow. SEE: regurgitation.

hepatojugular r. Distention of the veins of the neck when the liver is compressed during physical examination of the abdomen. Neck vein filling during liver examination commonly is seen in patients with congestive heart failure but also may be a normal finding.

laryngopharyngeal r. The backward flow of gastric contents into the voice box and throat. It may cause vocal cord damage, hoarseness, and habitual throat clearing.

tubal r. The movement of endometrial, tubal, or uterine tissue into the peritoneal cavity.

vesicoureteral r. The backward flow of urine up the ureter during urination, instead of downward into the bladder. This condition may cause recurrent urinary tract infections in infants and children and may produce kidney scarring and failure if it is untreated. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment may include endoscopic or open surgical procedures.


(rē-flŭks′āt″) The acid, gas, and liquid that rise from the upper gastrointestinal tract into the esophagus in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Its components may include gastric acids, bile, and pepsin.

reflux disease

SEE: gastroesophageal reflux disease.


(rē-fŏr-myŭ-lāt) To re-design ...

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