(rē″-kŏn″sĕn-trā′shŭn) The process of repeated concentration.
The process of restoring normal cardiovascular and neuromuscular function following injury, disease, or inactivity. SEE: rehabilitation.
(rē-kon′stĭ-toot″) [re- + L. constituere, to set up] 1. In pharmacology, to restore a dried substance to a fluid form that can be used for injection. 2. To rebuild a substance or reservoir within the body (such as bone marrow) to a natural or a functionally healthy state.
(ri″kon-stĭ-too′shŏn) The return of a substance previously altered for preservation and storage to its original state, as with dried blood plasma.
immune r. The restoration of normal or improved immune function in a patient with a congenital immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Bone marrow transplantation or drug therapies may be used, depending on the underlying cause of the immune failure.
myeloid r. In neutropenic patients, the return of neutrophil concentration to more than 500 cells/mL of blood.
(rē″kŏn-strŭk′shŏn) [re- + construction] 1. Surgical repair or restoration of a missing part or organ. 2. The manipulation of digitized information obtained during body imaging into interpretable pictures that represent anatomical details and diseases. SYN: image r.
dose r. An estimate of the total exposure of a person or population to the environmental release of a toxic substance, such as a pollutant or a sudden burst of radiation.
breast r. Plastic surgery to restore the appearance of the breast after mastectomy. Temporary tissue expanders may be used to stretch tissue and correct defects before the construction of tissue flaps or the insertion of mammary prostheses.
image r. Reconstruction (2).
r. of the knee Any procedure to reestablish stability of the knee after injury, usually to the anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments or to both.
reconstructive ladder
An approach to the repair of soft tissue wounds that begins with simple interventions (such as primary or secondary wound closure) but proceeds to more complex operative repairs (grafts, tissue expansions, or tissue transfers) when these repairs become necessary.
(rē″kŏn-tăm″ĭ-nā′shŭn) The contamination of a recently disinfected or sterilized instrument before its use in patient care. It may result from inadequate packaging or mishandling of instruments after they have been rid of microorganisms.
(rek′ŏrd) 1. A written account of something. SEE: problem-oriented medical record. 2. In dentistry, a registration of jaw relations in a malleable material or on a device.
anecdotal r. Notes used in nursing education to document observed incidents of a student’s clinical behavior related to attainment ...