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(răn′sĭd) [L. rancidus, stink] Having a disagreeable odor resulting from the breakdown of double bonds in fatty acids.


(răn-sĭd′ĭ-tē) The condition of being rancid.


(ran′dŏm) 1. Without order; unpredictable; unintentionally complex. 2. Not selected.


(ran″dŏ-mĭ-zā′shŏn) In research, a method used to assign subjects to experimental groups without introducing biases into a study. SYN: random sampling.


(rānj) In statistics, the difference between the highest and lowest in a set of variables or in a series of values or observations.

r. of accommodation The difference between the least and the greatest distance of distinct vision. SEE: accommodation.

host r. All the various organisms that a parasite or pathogen is capable of infecting.

interquartile r. The middle 50% of a set of data. It represents all the data greater than or equal to the 25th percentile and less than or equal to the 75th percentile.

r. of motion ABBR: ROM. 1. The possible excursion of motion at a joint, accomplished by an examiner, without any muscle contraction by the patient. The excursion can be measured by a goniometer and is normally slightly greater than active range of motion. The examiner assesses the maximum excursion at both its beginning and end. SEE: range-of-motion exercise for illus.; goniometer. 2. An exercise in which an external force moves a joint through its excursion without any effort by the patient. Passive range of motion exercise is used when the patient is unable to move or when active motion is contraindicated.

passive r. of motion ABBR: PROM. 1. The possible excursion of motion at a joint, accomplished by an examiner, without any muscle contraction by the patient. This can be measured by a goniometer. The excursion is normally slightly greater than active range of motion. The examiner assesses the end point. 2. An exercise in which an external force moves a joint through its excursion without any effort by the patient. PROM exercise is used when the patient is unable to move or when active motion is prohibited.


(rā′nīn) [L. rana, a frog] 1. Pert. to a ranula, or the region beneath the tip of the tongue. 2. The branch of the lingual artery supplying that area. 3. Pert. to frogs.


(ră-ní′tĭ-dēn) A histamine H2 antagonist and antiulcer agent, administered orally or intravenously for short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcers and benign gastric ulcers.

Rankin scale, Rankin score

Modified Rankin scale.


(ran′yŭ-lă) [L., ranula, a little frog] ...

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