1. To ask. To request information or clarification. 2. In sexual health, to wonder about or consider one’s gender identity.
closed q. A question designed to elicit a direct and focused response. Examples include: Do you have asthma? When did the crash occur? Do you work for the power company? What was your blood sugar tonight?
open-ended q. A question designed to elicit a free, spontaneous, or unconstrained response from a subject. Examples include: Can you tell me more about that? How are you feeling today? How may I help?
In the health care professions, a list of questions submitted to a patient or research subject to obtain data for analysis.
Quetelet index, Quételet index
(ket-le′, kāt-) [Lambert Adolphe Quetelet, Belgian statistician, 1796–1874] Body mass index.
(kwĭk) [ME. quicke, alive] 1. A part susceptible to keen feeling, esp. the part of a finger or toe to which the nail is attached. 2. Pregnant and experiencing fetal movements.
(kwĭk′ĕn-ĭng) A woman’s initial awareness of the movement of the fetus within her womb (uterus). Most commonly, fetal activity is first reported between 18 and 20 weeks’ gestation.
(kwĭk′līm) CaO; calcium oxide (unslaked lime). It forms calcium hydroxide when water is added to it.
(kwĭk′look″) A colloquial term for a rapid assessment, esp. of a cardiac rhythm during emergency cardiac resuscitation.
Quick Neurological Screening Test
ABBR: QNST. A standardized test of neurological function for persons 5 years of age or older. It assesses various areas, including attention, balance, motor planning, coordination, and spatial organization.
(kwik) [Armand James Quick, U.S. physician, 1894–1978] 1. A liver function test that measures the amount of hippuric acid excreted after a dose of sodium benzoate is given. 2. A test for the amount of prothrombin present in plasma. 3. Quick Neurological Screening Test.
(kwē-ĕs′ĕnt) The condition of being inactive or at rest. SYN: dormant; latent.
(kwĭn′ă-prĭl″) An ACE inhibitor, administered orally to manage hypertension and congestive heart failure. Its therapeutic class is antihypertensive. SYN: Accupril.
(kving′kĕ) Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke, Ger. internist, 1842–1922.
Q.’s pulse Capillary pulse.
Q.’s puncture Lumbar puncture.
(kwĭn-ĕs′trōl) An estrogen.
(kwī′nīn″, kwĭ-nēn′) [Sp. quina + -ine...