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(pŭr-pū′rĭk) [L. purpura, purple] Pert. to, resembling, or suffering from purpura.


(pŭr-süt) The movement of the eyes as they follow a target, e.g., an examiner’s finger.

purulence, purulency

(pūr′ū-lĕns, -lĕn″sē) [LL. purulentia, collection of pus] The condition of forming or containing pus.


(pūr′(y)ŭ-lĕnt) [L. purulentus, full of pus] Forming or containing pus; suppurative.


(pŭs) [L.] Protein-rich fluid (exudate) containing white blood cells, esp. neutrophils, and cell debris produced during inflammation. It commonly is caused by infection with pyogenic (pus-forming) bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, and pneumococci. Normally, pus is yellow; red pus may contain blood from the rupture of small vessels, and bluish-green pus may contain Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pus that has been walled off by a membrane is called an abscess. SYN: suppuration. SEE: purulence; abscess.

blue p. Purulence with a blue tint; usually associated with infection due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

ichorous p. Pus that is thin with shreds of sloughing tissue. It may have a fetid odor.


(poosh) 1. To inject rapidly. 2. A substance that is rapidly injected. 3. A bolus.


In labor and delivery, bearing down forcefully in an effort to move the fetus through the birth canal.




(pŭs′tū-lĕr) Pert. to, or characterized by, pustules.


(pŭs″tū-lā′shŭn) The development of pustules.


(pŭs′tūl) [L. pustula, blister] A small, elevated skin lesion filled with white blood cells and, sometimes, bacteria or the products of broken-down cells. Pustules are found in many common skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, some drug rashes, many viral exanthems, e.g., herpes simplex or varicella-zoster viruses, and pustular psoriasis.


(pŭs″chŭ-lō′sĭs, tyŭ) [pustule + -osis] A generalized eruption of pustules.

acute generalized exanthematous p. ABBR: AGEP. A rare but severe allergic reaction to a drug, characterized by a widespread pustular rash, fever, and a high white blood cell count. It usually resolves within a few weeks after one stops taking the drug that caused the reaction.


(pū-tā′mĕn, pū-tā′ mĭ-nă) pl. putamina [L. putamen, stem putamin-, a clipping, peel, shell] One of the basal nuclei, composing one of the two segments of the striatum. The other segment of the striatum is the caudate nucleus. The putamen and the caudate nucleus are separated by the internal capsule. The striatum serves as the major input component of the basal ...

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