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pulseless disease

Takayasu arteritis.

pulse ox

A colloquial term for a pulse oximeter.

pulse reading

The assessment of the characteristics of the radial pulse as an aid in the diagnosis of disease. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine.


(pŭls-es) The seed of grain legumes, harvested and consumed for their stores of protein, complex carbohydrates, and B vitamins. Examples include: broad beans, chick peas, lentils, lima beans, lupins, peas, peanuts, and soybeans.


(pŭl′shŭn) Driving or propelling in any direction.

lateral p. Movement, particularly walking as if pulled to one side.


(pŭl′sŭs) [L. pulsus, beating] Pulse.

p. bigeminus Bigeminal pulse.

p. differens A condition in which the pulses on either side of the body are of unequal intensity. It is seen sometimes in aortic dissection, or in atherosclerotic obstruction of one of the subclavian arteries.

p. paradoxus Paradoxical pulse.

p. parvus et tardus A pulse that is small and rises and falls slowly, indicative of severe aortic stenosis. SYN: pulse parvus.

p. tardus An abnormally slow pulse.


(pŭlv) [L. pulvis, powder] An abbreviation for powder, used in writing prescriptions.


(pŭl″vĕr-ī-zā′ shŭn) [L. pulvis, powder] The crushing of any substance to powder or tiny particles.


(pŭl-vĕr′ū-lĕnt) Of the nature of, or resembling, powder.


(pŭl″vī′ năr) [L. pulvinar, cushioned seat, couch] A large thalamic nucleus overhanging the geniculate nuclei and making up the most caudal segment of the thalamus. The pulvinar is connected to and integrates a host of sensory systems.


(pŭl′ vĭ-nāt) [L. pulvinus, cushion] Convex; shaped like a cushion.


(pŭm′ĭs) An abrasive polishing agent derived from volcanic material. Pumice consists chiefly of complex silicates of aluminum, potassium, and sodium.


(pŭmp) 1. An apparatus that transfers fluids or gases by pressure or suction. 2. To force air or fluid along a certain pathway, as the heart does to blood.

blood p. 1. A device for pumping blood. It is attached to an extracorporeal circulation system. 2. A compression sleeve placed about a plastic transfusion bag.

breast p. A pump for expressing milk from the human breast.

efflux p. A cell membrane protein channel that selectively admits or excludes chemicals ...

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