(prŏk″tō-lŏj′ĭk) [″ + logos, word, reason] Pert. to proctology.
(prok-tol′ŏ-jĭst) [proctology + -ist] A dated term for a surgeon whose practice is restricted to the rectum and anus. SEE: colorectal surgeon.
(prŏk-tŏl′ō-jē) The phase of medicine dealing with treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus.
(prŏk′tă-skōp″) [″ + ″] An instrument used to inspect the rectum visually.
(prŏk-tŏs′kō-pē) Inspection of the rectum with a proctoscope.
(prŏk″tō-sĭg″moyd-ī′ tĭs) [″ + ″ + eidos, form, shape, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid.
(prok″tō-sig″moy″ dos′kō-pē) [procto- + sigmoidoscopy] Visual examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon. SYN: anosigmoidoscopy.
(prō-kŭm′bĕnt) [L. procumbens, lying down] Prone.
(prō-kūr′) [L. procurare, to take care of] To obtain, e.g., an organ from a donor. SYN: procurement.
(prō-dĭj-ē-ō′sĭn) A bright red pigmented chemical synthesized by Serratia marcescens and several other bacteria. It is cytotoxic and antibacterial.
(prah′drŏ-mă, prō-drō′măt-ă) pl. prodromata. Prodrome.
(prō-drō′măl) [Gr. prodromos, running before] Pert. to the initial stage of a disease; the interval between the earliest symptoms and the appearance of a rash or fever.
Mild cognitive impairment.
(prō′drōm″) [L. prodromus fr. Gr. prodromos, running forward, guiding] A symptom indicative or warning of an approaching disease. SYN: prodroma. prodromal (prō′drō′măl), adj.
(prō′drŭg″) An inert drug that becomes active only after it is transformed or metabolized by the body.
carrier p. A prodrug that is transiently attached to another chemical used to ferry it to its target or in other ways improve its bioavailability and kinetics. SYN: carrier-linked p.
carrier-linked p. Carrier prodrug.
(prod′ŭkt) [L. productum, result (in arithmetic)] Anything that is made; also, the resulting compound after the reaction of two chemical substances. Particular reactions are listed under the first word. SEE: e.g., decay product; pressure-time product; substitution product.
(prō-dŭk′shŭn) Development or formation of a substance.
(prō-dŭk′tĭv) Forming, esp. new tissue.
The backflow (vomiting) of food from the upper pouch of a patient who has a ...