(pŏl′ē-thĕr′ă-pē) Therapy with two or more drugs used at the same time to treat a condition. The term is used most often to describe treatment of seizure disorders with more than one drug; however, it is also used to describe multidrug therapy in Parkinson disease, schizophrenia, and other brain diseases.
(pŏl″ē-traw′mă) [″ + ″] Simultaneous injury to several organs or body systems.
(pŏl″ē-trŏp′ĭk) [″ + trope, a turning] Affecting more than one type of cell, said of viruses, or affecting more than one type of tissue, said of certain poisons.
(pŏ-lē-ŭn-săch′ŭr-ā-tĕd) In chemistry, relating to long-chain carbon compounds, esp. fats that have many carbon atoms joined by double or triple bonds.
(pol″ē-ūr′ē-ă) [poly- + -uria] Excessive secretion and discharge of urine; specifically, urination in excess of 50 mL/kg of body weight per day. The urine generally does not contain abnormal constituents. Several liters in excess of normal may be voided each day. The urine is virtually colorless. Specific gravity is 1.000 to 1.002 (higher in diabetes mellitus). Polyuria occurs in diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, chronic nephritis, nephrosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, following edematous states (esp. those induced by heart failure treated with diuretics), and following excessive intake of liquids.
nocturnal polyuria 1. Nocturia. 2. Awakening more than twice a night to urinate. 3. Nighttime urinary volume that is more than 1/3 of the urine excreted in 24 hours.
(pŏl″ē-vā′lĕnt, pō-lĭv′ă-lĕnt) [″ + L. valere, to be strong] Multivalent; having a combining power of more than two atoms of hydrogen.
(pŏl″ ē-vī″ nĭl) ABBR: PVC. A thermoplastic polymer formed from vinyl chloride, used in the manufacture of many products such as rainwear, garden hoses, and floor tiles.
Exposure to toxic fumes of PVC can cause respiratory irritation, asthma, or decompensation. Some evidence suggests PVCs can cause cancer.
polyvinylsiloxane, polyvinyl siloxane
(pol″ē-vīn′il-sĭ-lok′sān″) Vinyl polysiloxane.
(pomp) [Johann Cassianus Pompe, 20th-cent. Dutch physician] Glycogen storage disease type II.
(pŏm′fĕ-lĭks) A blistering itchy rash of the hands and feet, marked by episodic and recurring deep-seated vesicles or bullae. The rash is most often found in adolescents and young adults, esp. during spring and summer. SYN: dyshidrosis; dyshidrotic eczema.
ETIOLOGY: Although the cause is unknown, emotional stress, an allergic predisposition, and fungal infections have each been associated with episodes of the rash.
TREATMENT: Burow or permanganate solution and potent topical steroids sometimes are effective. The rash tends to appear ...