(nū-mō′nō-sīt) Either a type I or a type II alveolar cell of the lungs.
(nū″mŏ-nŏl′ĭ-sĭs) [″ + lysis, dissolution] The loosening and separation of an adherent lung from the costal pleura.
extrapleural p. Separation of the parietal pleura from the chest wall. SEE: apicolysis.
intrapleural p. Separation of adhering visceral and parietal layers of pleura.
(nū″mō-nor′ă-fē) [″ + rhaphe, seam, ridge] Suture of a lung.
(nū″mō-pĕr-ĭ-kăr′ dē-ŭm) [Gr. pneuma, air, + peri, around, + kardia, heart] Air or gas in the pericardial sac; caused by trauma or pathological communication between the esophagus, stomach, or lungs and the pericardium. On examination one finds unusual metallic heart sounds and tympany over the precordial area.
(nū″mō-pĕr-ĭ-tō-nē′ ŭm) [″ + peritonaion, peritoneum] 1. A condition in which air or gas collects in the peritoneal cavity. This may occur catastrophically when internal organs rupture. 2. Air or gas that has been injected into the peritoneal cavity to facilitate laparoscopy.
(nū″mō-rĕt″rō-pĕr″ĭ-tō-nē′ŭm) [″ + L. retro, backwards, + Gr. peritonaion, peritoneum] Air or gas in the retroperitoneal space.
(noo-mos′kŏ-pē, nū-) [pneum- + -scopy] Insufflation of air into the external auditory canal during otoscopy. The procedure is performed to see if the tympanic membrane moves normally or if its movements are dampened by fluids or a mass in the middle ear.
(nū″mō-tăk′sĭk) [″ + taxis, arrangement] Pert. to the regulation of breathing.
(noo″mŏ-thōr′aks″, noo″ mŏ-thōr′ă-sēz″) pl. pneumothoraces [pneumo- + thorax] A collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity. The gas enters following a perforation through the chest wall (due to traumatic or iatrogenic injury) or the pleura (from the rupture of an emphysematous bleb or superficial lung abscess). Some tall, slender young men and women suffer repeated episodes of spontaneous pneumothorax. SEE: illus.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is sudden, usually with a severe sharp pain in the side of the chest, and dyspnea. The physical signs are those of a distended unilateral chest, increased resonance, decrease in or absence of breath sounds, and, if fluid is present, a splashing sound on succussion (shaking) of the patient. Patients often report chest pain is worsened by coughing, deep breathing, or movement.
DIAGNOSIS: Chest x-rays confirm the diagnosis, revealing air in the pleural space, often identified as a line seen outlining a partially collapsed lung. A shift of the mediastinum toward one ...