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[Gr. plastos, molded] Suffix meaning cell, organelle, granule.


[Gr. emplastron] 1. A material, usually plaster of Paris, that is applied to a part and allowed to harden in order to immobilize the part or to make an impression. In many settings, plaster of Paris has been replaced with synthetic cast materials, such as fiberglass. 2. A topical preparation in which the constituents are formed into a tenacious mass of substance harder than an ointment and spread upon muslin, linen, skin, or paper.

dental p. A powder, when mixed with water, that hardens to form a stonelike investment or model material. It is composed of a hemihydrate of gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O), which differs in compression strength and expansion coefficient according to how it is treated and rehydrated. There are four classes of dental plaster, with differing uses as materials for casts, impressions, or stone models, based on the differences of characteristics.

mustard p. Sinapsim.

p. of Paris Gypsum cement, hemihydrated calcium sulfate (CaSO4. 2H2O), mixed with water to form a paste that sets rapidly; used to make casts and stiff bandages.

salicylic acid p. A uniform mixture of salicylic acid spread on an appropriate base such as paper, cotton, or fabric. It is applied topically for use as a keratolytic agent.


(plăs′tĭk) [Gr. plastikos, fit for molding] 1. Capable of being molded. 2. Contributing to building tissues.

plastic deformation of bone

A bow-shaped deformity of bone from trauma strong enough to cause the bone to bend but not break. It is typically seen in children, esp. in the ulna or fibula. SYN: bend fracture.


(plăs-tĭs′ĭ-tē) 1. The ability to be molded. 2. The ability of tissues to grow, to adapt, or to integrate with others during development, after trauma, or after an illness.


(plăs′tĭd) [Gr. plastos, formed] An organelle in plant cells. It includes chloroplasts (which contain chlorophyll), leukoplasts (colorless), chromoplasts (which contain pigment), and amyloplasts (which store starch). Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis.


[Gr. plastos, molded, fr. plassein, to mold, form] Suffix meaning surgical repair.


(plāt) [Fr. plate, something flat] 1. A thin, flattened part or portion, such as a flattened process of a bone. SYN: lamella; lamina. 2. A full denture. The term is not considered correct. 3. A shallow covered dish for culturing microorganisms. 4. To inoculate and culture microorganisms in a culture plate.

alar p. In the embryo, the posterior (upper) half of the neural tube ...

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