(pĭth) 1. The center of a hair or the soft material in the stalk of a plant. 2. Destruction of a part of the central nervous system of an animal being prepared for certain experiments. A blunt probe is inserted in the brain or spinal cord through a foramen.
(pĭth′ ĭng) Destruction of the central nervous system by the piercing of brain or spinal cord, as in vivisection. This is done on experimental animals to render them insensible to pain and to inhibit controlling effects of the central nervous system during research and experimentation. SEE: decerebration.
(peē-trēs′) [Jean A. Pitres, Fr. physician, 1848–1927] Any of the series of six coronal vertical sections of the brain for study. The sections are prefrontal, pediculofrontal, frontal, parietal, pediculoparietal, and occipital.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the dosha made up of the elements of fire and water; responsible for metabolic processes, body temperature, digestion, and understanding, and it is associated with a pungent taste. People who have mainly a Pitta constitution often are uncomfortable with hot temperatures, have sharp and penetrating facial features, and a light body frame.
(pit′ing) 1. The formation of pits, depressions, or scars, as in smallpox. 2. In the spleen, removal of the remains of red blood cells that have completed their lifespan or have been injured. Nucleated red blood cells are also removed from circulating blood in this pitting function. SEE: culling. 3. In dentistry, the formation of depressions in the materials used in restoring teeth.
Pittsburgh knee rules
(pits′ bŭrg″) A clinical prediction rule used to determine whether an individual requires plain x-rays to rule out a knee fracture after an acute or blunt injury. Predictive variables include a fall or blunt trauma as the mechanism of injury, inability to ambulate initially or in the ER, i.e., the inability to take four steps, or patients younger than 12 or older than 50.
(pĭ-too′ĭ-sīt″) [L. pituita, phlegm + -cyte] A modified branched neuroglial cell characteristic of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It is also present in the infundibular stalk.
(pĭ-too′ ĭ-ter″ē) [L. pituitarius, pert. to or secreting phlegm] The pituitary body or gland. SYN: hypophysis. SEE: inhibitory hormone; pituitary gland; releasing hormone.
anterior p. The frontal section of the pituitary gland. Together with the posterior lobe, it forms the pituitary gland. SEE: adenohypophysis; pituitary gland. 1. Adenohypophysis. 2. A preparation of dried, defatted, powdered anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of domestic animals.
posterior p. 1. Neurohypophysis. 2. The dried, powdered posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of ...