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(pĕr-fū′zhŭn-ĭst) A health care professional, formally known as a clinical perfusion scientist, who manages extracorporeal circulation of blood and operates the heart-lung machine.


[Gr. peri, around, about] Prefix meaning around, about.


(per″ē-ā′ năl) [peri- + anal] Surrounding the anus.


(per″ē-ā-ort′ĭk) [peri- + aortic] Surrounding the aorta.


(per″ē-ar-tē′ rē-ăl) [peri- + arterial] Surrounding an artery.


(per″ē-ar-tĕ-rīt′ĭs) [peri- + arteritis] Inflammation of the external coat of an artery.

p. gummosa Gummas in the blood vessels in syphilis.

p. nodosa Polyarteritis nodosa.


(per″ē-ar-thrīt′ ĭs) [peri- + arthritis] Inflammation of the area around a joint.


(per″ē-ar-tik′yŭ-lăr) [peri- + articular] Surrounding a joint.


(per″ē-o-rik′ yŭ-lăr) [peri- + auricular] Surrounding the ear.


(per″i-brong″kē-ō′ lăr) [peri- + bronchiole] Surrounding a bronchiole.


(per″i-kan″ă-lik′ yŭ-lăr) [peri- + canaliculus] Surrounding a canaliculus.


(pĕr″ĭ-kăr-dē-ĕk′ tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ektome, excision] Puncturing or perforation of the pericardium or creation of a pericardial window, for example, to relieve a pericardial effusion responsible for cardiac tamponade.


(per″i-kard″ē-ō-sen-tē’ sĭs) [peri- + cardiocentesis] Insertion of a needle into the pericardium to remove accumulated fluid. The procedure can save the lives of patients with cardiac tamponade.


(pĕr″ĭ-kăr-dē-ŏt′ ō-mē) [″ + ″ + tome, incision] Incision of the pericardium.


(per″ĭ-kar-dīt′ ĭs) [pericard(ium) + -itis] Inflammation of the pericardium, marked by chest pain, fever, and an audible friction rub. SEE: Dressler syndrome.

 INCIDENCE: The precise incidence of pericarditis is unknown. Among patients presenting in ERs with chest pain, approx. 5% have pericarditis rather than coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism, esophageal gastric or biliary disease or other more common causes. Approx. 1 patient per 1000 admitted to hospital is diagnosed with pericarditis. Infectious causes of pericarditis are more common in patients with HIV/AIDS than in other patient populations.

 CAUSES: Many diseases and conditions can inflame the pericardium, including infections (bacterial, tubercular, viral, fungal); collagen-vascular diseases (such as rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, or systemic lupus erythematosus); drugs (hydralazine, procainamide, isoniazid, minoxidil); myocardial infarction; cancer; renal failure; cardiac surgery; or trauma. In many instances the precise ...

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