Patient Advise and Consent Encounter
ABBR: PACE. An interactive computer program to assist a patient to understand certain medical and surgical procedures and their risks. The program uses touch-screen technology, animation, and an actor-doctor narrator to communicate with the patient. At the end of each program, the patient may take an interactive quiz that evaluates understanding of the presentation. A printout of the entire session is available for the patient and the physician.
An individual, such as an attorney, friend, nurse, ombudsman, physician, or social worker, who pleads for and preserves a patient’s rights to health care. Patient advocates address many common and important health care issues, including the right to access a health care provider, the right to obtain confidential care, and the right for the patient to work after diagnosis or treatment.
patient assistance program
Financial aid provided to patients by drug companies to make it easier for patients to purchase expensive medications.
The right of an informed patient to choose to accept or refuse therapy. SEE: advance directive; informed consent; living will; quality of life.
Patient’s Bill of Rights
A declaration of the entitlements of hospital patients, compiled by the American Hospital Association. First published in 1973, it emphasizes the responsibilities of hospitals and patients and the need for communication and collaboration between them. The patient is entitled to consideration and respect while receiving care; accurate, understandable information about the condition and treatment; privacy and confidentiality; an appropriate response to the request for treatment; and continued care as necessary after leaving the hospital. The patient may also have an advance directive regarding treatment; designate a surrogate to make decisions; review his or her medical records; be informed of hospital policies or business relationships that may affect care; and agree or refuse to participate in treatments or research studies. Patient responsibilities include providing any information, e.g., an advance directive, that may influence treatment; providing the needed information for insurance claims; and understanding how lifestyle affects health. The full text of the Patient’s Bill of Rights is available from the American Hospital Association, One North Franklin, Chicago, IL 60606, phone number: 312-422-3000.
patient care advisory committee
A multidisciplinary group that advises health care agencies facing ethical dilemmas. The committee usually consists of health care professionals, clergy, legal counsel, and administrative personnel. SYN: institutional ethics committee. SEE: institutional review board.
patient care data set
ABBR: PCDS. A terminology data set recognized by the American Nurses Association and developed by Dr. Judith Ozbolt primarily for use in the acute care arena. The data set includes terms and codes for patient problems, therapeutic goals, and patient care orders.