A disorder in which pain is the predominant symptom, is of such severity to warrant clinical attention, and interferes with function. Psychological factors are important in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. The condition is not intentionally produced or feigned.
painkiller, pain killer
(pān′kil″ĕr) A medication or a procedure that decreases a patient’s pain or discomfort or alleviates unpleasant sensations.
(pāint) 1. A solution of medication for application to the skin. 2. To apply a medicated liquid to the skin.
(par) Two of anything similar in shape, size, and conformation.
base p. In the double-stranded helical arrangement of DNA, the complementary purine-pyrimidine nucleotide bases (adenine-thymidine or guaninecytosine) that are linked by weak chemical bonds. The order of these base pairs encode the genetic information in each segment of DNA.
ion p. Two particles of opposite charge, usually an electron and a proton.
paired associates test, paired association test
A memory test in which a person is asked to recall one item linked to another, e.g. an image of an object that is hidden in a specific location. The ability to recall paired associations is often diminished in people with dementia.
(pal′ăt-ă-bĕl) [L. palatum, palate] Pleasing to the palate or taste, as food, or to the mind, as a plan or idea.
(pal′ăt-ăl) [palate + -al] Pert. to the palate (roof of the mouth).
(pal′ăt) [L. palatum, roof of the mouth, palate] The horizontal structure separating the mouth and the nasal cavity; the roof of the mouth, supported anteriorly by the maxillae and palatine bones. SEE: mouth for illus.
DISEASES AFFECTING THE PALATE: Koplik spots: a rash frequently seen on the palate in measles; secondary syphilis: mucous patches on the palate; herpes of the throat: vesicles on the pharyngeal walls and soft palate; swelling of uvula: noted in inflammations of pharynx and tonsil and in nephritis, severe anemia, and angioneurotic edema; in diphtheria and necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, by a membranous exudate; in some hemorrhagic diatheses, by a bloody extravasation; Kaposi sarcoma: dark purplish-red lesions that may be found on the hard and soft palate; paralysis: a possible result of diphtheria, bulbar paralysis, neuritis, basal meningitis, or a tumor at the base of the brain; anesthesia: in pathological conditions of the second division of the fifth nerve.
cleft p. A congenital ...