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osteoporosis risk assessment instrument

ABBR: ORAI. A questionnaire to gauge a woman’s probability of developing bone loss (osteoporosis). It optimizes the selection of women who need or do not need bone mineral density testing.

osteoporosis self-assessment tool

ABBR: OST. A decision-making rule to determine patients at high, medium, or low risk for osteoporosis and to identify those who would benefit most from bone mineral density testing. The tool was originally used in Asian women but has been found to be reliable in other populations of postmenopausal women and in men.


(ŏs″tē-ō-rā″dē-ō-nē-krō′sĭs) [Gr. osteon, bone, + L. radiatio, radiation, + Gr. nekrosis, state of death] Death of bone following irradiation.


(ŏs″tē-ō-săr-kō′mă) [″ + sarx, flesh, + oma, tumor] Osteogenic sarcoma.


(ŏs″tē-ō-sklē-rō′sĭs) [″ + skleros, hard, + osis, condition] An abnormal increase in thickening and density of bone.

o. fragilis Osteopetrosis.


(ŏs″tē-ō-stăt′ĭn) [″ + ″] The C-terminal portion of parathyroid-hormone-related protein. It inhibits the resorption of bone by osteoclasts and participates in metastasis of cancer cells into bone.


(ŏs″tē-ō-sĭn′thĕ-sĭs) [″ + synthesis, a joining] Surgical fastening of the ends of a fractured bone by mechanical means, such as a screw or plate.


(ŏs′tē-ō-tōm) [″ + tome, incision] A chisel beveled on both sides for cutting through bones.


(ŏs-tē-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + tome, incision] The operation of cutting through a bone.

C-form o. A C-shaped cut through the ramus of the mandible to allow forward placement of the mandible in correcting a retrognathic condition.

condylar neck o. Surgery on the condylar neck of the mandible to correct prognathism.

cuneiform o. The excision of a wedge of bone from the cuneiform.

linear o. The lengthwise division of a bone.

Macewen’s o. Supracondylar section of the femur for correction of genu valgum.

subtrochanteric o. Division of the shaft of the femur below the lesser trochanter to correct ankylosis of the hip joint.

transtrochanteric o. Section of the femur through the lesser trochanter for correction of a deformity about the hip joint.


(ŏs′tē-ō-trīb″) [″ + tribein, to rub] A bone rasp.


(ŏs′tē-ō-trīt) [″ + tribein, to grind or rub] An instrument used to scrape away diseased bone.


(ŏs-tī′tĭs) [Gr. osteon, bone, + itis, inflammation] Osteitis.

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