(or′gă-nel″) A specialized membrane-bound structure within a cell that performs a distinct function. Examples of organelles are the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria, proteasomes, and ribosomes.
(or-gan′ik) [Gr. organikos] 1. Pert. to an organ or organs. 2. Structural. 3. Pert. to or derived from animal or vegetable forms of life. 4. Denoting chemicals that are carbon based. 5. In nutrition, not grown with pesticides or petrochemicals; pure, unadulterated
organic anion transporters
ABBR: OAT. A family of cellular proteins that transport negatively-charged organic molecules (including many commonly used drugs and uremic toxins) into and through cells, increasing the excretion of these molecules in the urine.
organic brain syndrome
ABBR: OBS. Any of a large group of acute and chronic mental disorders associated with brain damage and acute impairments in cerebral function.
CAUSES: Any acute or chronic disease or injury that interferes with cerebral function may trigger symptoms. Possible causes include infection, intoxication, trauma, circulatory disturbance, epilepsy, metabolic and endocrine diseases, or intracranial trauma or neoplasms.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: The clinical characteristics vary not only with the nature and severity of the underlying organic disorder but also occasionally among individuals. consciousness, orientation, memory, intellect, judgment and insight, and thought content may be impaired, e.g., hallucinations, illusions.
DIAGNOSIS: Difficulty in diagnosis may be encountered because of the possibility of attributing all of the signs and symptoms to a psychiatric disorder, thereby ignoring the possibility of organic disease. However, it must be noted that purely functional psychiatric diseases are much more common than OBS.
TREATMENT: Treatment of the basic organic disease and provision of psychiatric care are indicated.
A disease resulting from recognizable anatomical changes in an organ or tissue of the body.
organic dust toxic syndrome, organic dust toxicity syndrome
ABBR: ODTS. An nonallergenic, noninfectious, influenza-like respiratory disorder caused by inhalation of organic dusts, such as molds that contaminate grasses, hay, and other agricultural products. The most important sources are cotton dust, which causes byssinosis; grain dust; and exposure to moldy hay. It is also known scientifically as pulmonary mycotoxicosis and colloquially as farmer’s lung or grain lung. Prominent symptoms are cough, chest tightness, muscle ache, and low-grade fever. SEE: byssinosis; hyper-sensitivity pneumonitis.
(or-gan″ĭ-fĭ-kā′shŏn) The biochemical incorporation of iodine into thyroid hormone precursors to make active thyroid hormones.
(or-gan′ĭ-fīd″) Linked to a molecule that contains carbon atoms; incorporated into an organic compound.
(or′găn-ĭzm) [organ + -ism] Any living ...