(oipt′owt′) [L. optare, to wish for] To choose not to participate in a program or not to receive information about a particular product or service. In health care, to decline to participate in a recommended program, e.g., in health screening, vaccination, or research.
One-port umbilical surgery.
(ō′ră) [L. ora, mouths] Plural of 1os.
(ō′rad″) [oro- + -ad] Toward the mouth or oral region.
(ōr′ăl) [L. oralis] 1. Pert. to the mouth. 2. In legal usage, pert. to spoken words, not written. In law, an oral agreement or contract is a spoken agreement or contract; there is nothing written down. SEE: verbal. orally (ōr′ă-lē), adv.
oral allergy syndrome
A form of contact dermatitis of the lips, tongue, or other tissues of the mouth, usually triggered by exposure to fresh fruits or vegetables. SYN: pollen-food allergy syndrome.
(ō-rā′lē) The point on the hard palate where lines drawn tangent to the lingual margins of the alveoli of the medial incisor teeth intersect the midsagittal plane.
ABBR: OFLT. Measurement of serum triglyceride levels (and other circulating fat molecules) after consumption of a specified amount of liquid fat or cream, e.g., 50 g.
oral glucose tolerance test
ABBR: OGTT. A screening test for diabetes mellitus (DM), in which plasma glucose levels are measured after the patient consumes an oral glucose load. In screening patients for type 2 DM, measuring fasting plasma glucose levels or checking a hemoglobin A1c level is generally preferable to an OGTT because the former tests are simpler, cheaper, and better tolerated by patients. An OGTT reveals type 2 DM when plasma glucose levels exceed 200 mg/dL 2 hr after drinking a 75-g glucose load. Plasma glucose levels between 140 mg/dL and 199 mg/dL suggest impaired glucose tolerance.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS: In pregnancy, a modified OGTT is used to screen women with risk factors for gestational diabetes (GDM), including obesity, family history of type 2 DM, age greater than 25 years, and a history of unexplained stillbirths. At 24 to 28 weeks’ gestation, a 50-g glucose load is given; 1-hr plasma glucose levels greater than 140 mg/dL constitute a positive screening result. Any patient having a positive test result should then undergo a 2-hr, 100-g OGTT to determine whether GDM is present. ...