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(int′ĭ-mă) [L. intima, inmost parts] The innermost layer of the wall of an artery or vein. It consists of a layer of endothelial cells that normally form a semipermeable barrier that regulates the entry or exit of substances from the lumen. Materials may cross this barrier by transport systems. The endothelial cells are very smooth, which prevents abnormal clotting; they secrete chemicals that are important for normal blood coagulation and for controlling relaxation and contraction of the smooth muscle tissue in the middle layer of the vessel. As the normal artery ages, the intima thickens due to an increase in lipid material.


(in′tĭ-măt) [L. intimus, inmost, secret, close friend] 1. A close familial, personal, or emotional relationship with another person. 2. Sexual relations. intimate (in′tĭ-mă-sē), adj.


(int′tĭ-măl) Pert. to the intima.

intima-media thickness

ABBR: IMT. The depth in millimeters of the two inner layers of an arterial wall. IMT is a marker of generalized atherosclerosis. It increases with age, cholesterol intake, smoking, body mass index, and other established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. IMT is measured ultrasonographically, typically in the carotid arteries.

intoeing, in-toeing

(in′tō″ing) Pigeon toe.


(in-tol′ĕ-răns) [L. intolerantia, impatience] An inability to endure, or an incapacity for bearing, pain or the effects of a drug or other substance. Medication intolerances are not the same as drug allergies, although lay people often think of them as being synonymous. Particular intolerances are listed under the first word. SEE: e.g., activity intolerance; fructose intolerance; lactose intolerance. intolerant (in-tol′ĕ-rănt), adj.


(ĭn-tor′shŭn) [L. in, toward, + torsio, twisting] Rotation of the eye inward toward the nose on the anterioposterior axis of the eye. In this condition, twelve o’clock on the corneal margin would be closer to the nose than normal.


(ĭn-tŏks′ĭ-kănt) An agent that produces intoxication.


(in-tok″sĭ-kā′shŏn) [1in- + toxi-] 1. Poisoning by a drug or toxic substance. 2. Cognitive impairment from alcoholic beverages; drunkenness.

 The determination of alcohol content of the blood, i.e., ethyl alcohol or the alcohol present in commercial beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey, is sometimes of value in the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication, esp. in differentiating it from other disorders. Normally the alcohol content of body tissues and fluids is negligible. When ingested, alcohols are absorbed slowly or quickly depending upon the amount swallowed, presence of food in the stomach, the drinker’s gender (women become inebriated more easily with the same amount of alcohol consumption as men), and rate of gastric emptying. The amount of alcohol found in each milliliter of blood ...

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