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injury, risk for corneal

Susceptible to infection or inflammatory lesion in the corneal tissue that can affect superficial or deep layers, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.

injury, risk for urinary tract

Susceptible to damage of the urinary tract structures from use of catheters, which may compromise health. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.


Drawing a mark on the skin before surgery to define a margin that is tumor free.


(ĭn′lā) [L. in, in, + AS. lecgan, to lay] A solid filling made to the precise shape of a cavity of a tooth and cemented into it; usually the inlay is made of casting alloy, but it may be porcelain.


A passage leading to a cavity.

in-line medication administration

(in′līn″) Administration of an inhaled medication into a ventilator circuit or any other positive airway pressure respiratory device, e.g., Bipap (bilevel positive airway pressure) or CPAP (continuous positive air pressure).


(in′māt″) A person incarcerated in a detention center, jail, or prison. Such people have higher rates of certain illnesses, e.g., sexually transmitted diseases or chronic hepatitis, than the general population.


International Nonproprietary Names, a list of pharmaceuticals published periodically by the World Health Organization.


(ĭn-nāt′) [″ + natus, born] 1. Belonging to the essential nature of a living being. SYN: inherent; intrinsic. 2. Existing at birth.

innate immune system

Innate immunity.

in natura

(in nah-too′rah, in nă-choor′ă) [L. in natura, in nature] In biology, pert. to a biological study not conducted in a laboratory. SEE: in vitro; in vivo.


(in-ĕr′vāt″, in′ĕr-vāt″) [1in- + nerve, nerve] 1. To send axons to synapse with another structure, as a motor nerve with a muscle. 2. To send axons to receive signals from a structure, as a sensory nerve and the skin.


(in″ĕr-vā′shŏn) 1. The stimulation of a body part through the action of nerves. 2. The distribution and function of the nervous system. 3. The nerve supply of a body part.

collateral i. Development of the nerve supply in a nerve tract adjacent to the original nerve supply that has been injured or destroyed.

double i. Innervation of an organ with both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.

reciprocal i. Innervation of muscles, as around a joint, in which contraction of one set of muscles leads to the relaxation of ...

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