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infusion reaction

Any adverse reaction to a constituent administered intravenously, such as, an anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reaction to a monoclonal antibody. SEE: transfusion reaction.


(in-fū-sōr′ē-ă) The former name of a class of Protozoa, now called Ciliata.


(ĭn-jĕs′tă) [L. in, into, + gerere, to carry] Food and drink received into the body through the mouth.


(ĭn-jĕs′tănt) [″ + gerere, to carry] Any substance such as food and drink taken orally.


(ĭn-jĕs′shŭn) 1. The process of taking material (particularly food) into the gastrointestinal tract. 2. Phagocytosis.

caustic i. Exposure of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, or trachea to acids or alkalis, with resulting tissue damage. SEE: burn of aerodigestive tract.


(in-grēd′ē-ĕnt) [L. ingredi, to enter] Any part or component of a compound, a mixture, or a more complex substance.


(ĭn′grō-ĭng) [L. in, into, + AS. growan, to grow] Growing inward so that a portion that is normally free becomes covered.

inguin-, inguino-

[L. inguen, stem inguin-, groin] Prefixes meaning groin.


(ing′gwĭ-năl) [L. inguinalis, pert. to the groin] Pert. to the groin.




(ĭn-hā′lănt) [L. inhalare, to inhale] 1. A medication or compound suitable for inhaling. 2. A toxic chemical (a powder or vapor) that is ingested by inhaling through the nose and/or mouth.


(in″hă-lā′shŏn) [L. inhalatio] 1. The act of drawing breath, vapor, or gas into the lungs; inspiration. 2. The introduction of dry or moist air or vapor into the lungs for therapeutic purposes, such as metered-dose bronchodilators in the treatment of asthma.

inhalation therapy

The administration of medicines, water vapor, gases, e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide, or helium, or anesthetics by inhalation. The medicines usually are nebulized by using an aerosol or spray apparatus.


(in-hāl′) [L. inhalare] To draw in the breath; to inspire.


(ĭn-hāl′ĕr) 1. A device for administering medicines by inhalation. 2. One who inhales.

dry powder i. ABBR: DPI. An inhaler that delivers tiny medicated particles into the respiratory tract when a patient takes a sustained, deep breath. DP Is differ from MDIs in that MDIs push medication into the airway; DPIs are activated by inhalation.

metered-dose i. ABBR: MDI. A device used for self-administration of aerosolized drugs.


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