In medical care, institutional procedures and policies for monitoring and attempting to control the transmission of communicable diseases. This includes establishing mandatory procedures for sanitation, sterilization, hand hygiene, and isolation. SYN: infection prevention. SEE: table.
PATIENT CARE: Many people recover completely from their infections. Some, however, develop a terminal illness. SEE: tertiary prevention.
(ĭn-fĕk′shŭs) [ME. infecten, infect] 1. Capable of being transmitted with or without contact. 2. Pert. to a disease caused by a microorganism. 3. Producing infection.
ABBR: ID. Any disease caused by growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. SEE: incubation for table.
(in-fek′shŭs-nĕs) Infectivity.
(in″fek″tiv′ĭt-ē) 1. The capacity of a pathogen to cause infection. 2. The number of people who are infected by a disease divided by the number of people who are exposed to it.