incontinentia pigmenti
(in-kont″ĭn-en′sh(ē-)ă pig-ment′ī″) [L. incontinentia pigmenti, inability to retain pigment] An X-linked neurocutaneous disorder marked by excessive accumulation of melanin in the skin, cerebral atrophy, mental retardation and seizures, and defective development of bones and teeth. Affected males often die in early childhood. SYN: Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome.
Within an acceptable predetermined range. The limits that define the acceptable range may be set using one or more criteria, depending on the intent. A typical analytical “in-control” limit is based on the calculation of the dispersion of the data measured as standard deviation (SD). Subsequent multiplication of the SD by 2 and then by 3 results in what frequently are used as “warning” and “action” limits, respectively. Other statistical or clinical criteria also can be used to set the limits. SEE: standard deviation.
(ĭn″kō-or′dĭ-nāt″) [L. in-, not, + coordinare, to arrange] 1. Not able to make coordinated muscular movements. 2. Unable to adjust one’s work harmoniously with others.
(ĭn″kō-or″dĭ-nā′shŭn) An inability to produce harmonious, rhythmic, muscular action that is not due to weakness. The condition is typically caused by a lesion on the cerebellum. SYN: asynergia.
[L. in, into, + corporare, to form into a body] Combining two ingredients to form a homogeneous mass.
(in′krĕ-mĕnt, ing′krĕ-mĕnt) [L. incrementum, grpwth, increase] 1. An increase or addition in number, size, or extent; an enlargement. 2. Something added or gained. 3. The beginning portion of a uterine contraction between baseline and acme. Increasing strength of contraction is shown by the upslope record recorded by the fetal monitor. incremental (in″krĕ-mĕntăl, ing″krĕ-mĕntăl), adj.
incremental exercise test
(in″krĕ-mĕn-tăl, ing″krĕ-mĕntăl) An exercise test in which patients are encouraged to increase their level of exercise during each test stage, either by working more and more rapidly or against greater and greater resistance.
(in-krēt′ĭn) One of several peptide hormones produced by the small intestine or colon in response to glucose. Incretins stimulate the secretion of insulin and inhibit the secretion of glucagon.
(ĭn″krŭs″tā′shŭn) [L. in, on, + crusta, crust] The formation of crusts or scabs.
(ing″kyŭ-bā′shŏn, in″kyŭ-bā′shŏn) [L. incubare, to lie down on] 1. The interval between exposure to infection and the appearance of the first symptom. SYN: incubation period; latent period (2). SEE: table. incubational (ing″kyŭ-bā′shŏn-ăl, in″kyŭ-bā′shŏn-ăl), adj. 2. In bacteriology, the period of culture development. 3. The development of a fertilized ovum. 4. The care of a premature infant in an incubator.