(ĭm-pĭnj′mĕnt) 1. Degenerative alteration in a joint in which there is excessive friction between joint tissues. This typically causes limitations in range of motion and the perception of joint pain. 2. An area of periodontal tissue traumatized by the occlusal force of a tooth. 3. The unwanted compression of soft tissue between two or more harder, unyielding structures.
The compromise of soft tissues in the subacromial space, esp. the rotator cuff, causing pain with overhead motions or rotational motions with an abducted arm, e.g., throwing. This syndrome is seen in repetitive overhead activities. It is treated with rotator cuff strengthening exercises, antiinflammatory medications, and subacromial steroid injection. If conservative management fails, subacromial decompression (acromioplasty) is used.
(im′plant″) [1in- + plant] An object inserted into the body, e.g., a lens (placed in the eye after removal of a cataract); a stent (to permit blood, other fluids, or food to pass through an organ); a piece of tissue; a tooth; a long-acting medicine; a tube or needle containing a radioactive substance; liquid and solid plastic materials used to augment tissues or to fill in areas traumatically or surgically removed; intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs); artificial joints or cardiac pacemakers or defibrillators. SEE: mammaplasty, augmentation.
bone i. An implant to repair bone or to cover implanted objects such as artificial hips or tooth implants.
brain i. Any substance, tissue, or object placed surgically in the brain.
brainstem i. Auditory brainstem i.
breast i. A surgically inserted implant used to change the size and/or contour of the breast or chest wall, either using the patient’s own tissue, e.g., a pedicle graft, or a prosthesis.
cochlear i. ABBR: CI. An electrical implant that receives sound and transmits the resulting signal via electrodes to spiral ganglion cells in the cochlear nerve. Cl are used to improve hearing, esp. speech recognition.
Cochlear implants increase the likelihood of meningitis. Patients with cochlear implants should be vaccinated against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
dental i. In dentistry, a prosthetic device in any of several shapes. It is implanted into oral tissues beneath the mucosa or the periosteal layer, or within the bone to support or hold a fixed or removable prosthesis. SYN: tooth i. SEE: illus.
Ultrasonic devices should not be used on dental implants.
endosteal i. A dental implant that is partially submerged and anchored within the bone. The blade form and the cylinder form are the two types of endosteal implants used. The cylinder form, which is most common, consists of a screw, a small ...