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(nŏr-jĕs′tĭ-māt) An estrogen/progestin used as a tricyclic contraceptive hormone. It is administered orally to healthy women and girls over 14 years of age to prevent pregnancy, regulate the menstrual cycle, and manage acne if topical treatment has failed.


[L. norma, rule] 1. A standard or ideal for a specific group. 2. Normal.


(nŏr′mă) [L., rule] A view or aspect, esp. with reference to the skull.

anterior n. Norma frontalis.

n. basilaris Norma ventralis.

n. facialis Norma frontalis.

n. frontalis The outline of the skull viewed from the front. SYN: anterior n.; n. facialis.

inferior n. Norma ventralis.

n. lateralis A view of the skull as seen from the side; a profile view.

n. occipitalis A view of the skull as seen from behind.

n. sagittalis A view of the skull as seen in sagittal section.

superior n. Norma verticalis.

n. ventralis A view of the inferior surface of skull. SYN: n. basilaris; inferior n.

n. verticalis A view of the skull as seen from above. SYN: superior n.


(nor′măl) [L. normalis, according to pattern] 1. Performing proper functions; standard; regular. 2. In biology, not affected by experimental treatment; occurring naturally and not because of disease or experimentation. 3. In psychology, free from mental disorder; of average development or intelligence.

normal accident theory

The theory that in complex institutions, some degree of error is unavoidable.


(nor′mă-līz″) 1. To modify in order to attain a normal standard, e.g., to administer a drug to regularize the platelet level. 2. To enforce or impose a criterion or a standard on a person, place, or thing. 3. To return to normal levels, as of an abnormal laboratory result that improves with treatment. normalization (nor″mā-li-zā′shŏn), n.


(nor-mĕt″ă-nĕf′rĭn) A metabolite of epinephrine.


[norm(al)] Prefix meaning normal.


(nor′mō-blăst) [″ + Gr. blastos, germ] An immature nucleated red blood cell similar in size to a mature erythrocyte and usually found in the bone marrow. SYN: erythroblast. normoblastic (-blăs-tĭk), adj.


(nor″mō-kăl-sē′mē-ă) Normal level of blood calcium.


(nor″mō-kăp′nē-ă) The presence of a normal concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and serum. normocapnic (-kăp′nĭk), adj.


(nor′mō-sīt) [″ + ...

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