(nē″ō-rĭ-kĕt′sēă) [″ + ″] A genus of bacteria of the family Anaplasmataceae. They are intracellular parasites transmitted to mammals by insect or animal vectors, including trematodes that infest salmon and trout.
(nē-ŏs′tō-mē) [″ + stoma, mouth] Surgical formation of artificial opening into an organ or between two organs.
(nē″ō-strī-āt′ŭm, nē″ō-strī-ăt′ă) pl. neostriata [neo- + striatum] The caudate nucleus and the putamen considered together. neostriatal (nē″ō-strī-āt′ăl), adj.
(nē-ot′ĕn-ē) [neo- + Gr. teinein, to extend] 1. Attaining sexual maturation in the larval or juvenile stage, before adulthood, as in salamanders. 2. Pedomorphism.
(nē″ō-trop′iks) [neo- + tropics] That portion of the Western hemisphere that extends between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It includes southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and parts of South America. Its unique climate and geography favor the growth of a variety of animals, plants, and microbial species not found in more temperate regions. Living in or traveling to the neotropics predisposes people from other geographic areas to a wide variety of illnesses, e.g., parasitic diseases, not normally found farther north or south.
(nē″ō-văs′kū-lăr) Pert. to new blood vessels.
(nē″ō-văs″kū-lă-rĭ-zā′shŭn) The formation of new blood vessels, e.g., in the retina, in inflamed tissue, or in a malignant tumor.
(nē′pĕr, nā′) [John Napier, Scot. mathematician, 1550–1617] ABBR: Np. A unit of measure denoting the ratio of two amplitudes. It is similar to the decibel but is expressed as a natural logarithm instead of a logarithm of the base 10. 1 Np = 8.687 dB.
(nef″ĕ-lom′ĕt-ĕr) [Gr. nephelē, cloud + -meter] A device used to measure the turbidity of a fluid and estimate the number of particles in solution. For example, it is used to measure the turbidity of a fluid and also may be used to estimate the degree of contamination of air by particulate matter. SEE: turbidimeter.
(nef″ĕ-lom′ĕ-trē) [Gr. nephelē, cloud + -metry] A technique for detecting proteins in body fluids, based on the tendency of proteins to scatter light in identifiable ways. SEE: turbidimetry.
(nĕ-frek′tŏ-mē) [nephro + -ectomy] Surgical removal of a kidney. It may be to remove a renal cell carcinoma or an injured organ, or to harvest an organ for transplantation. The surgery may be performed with an open incision or by laparoscopy. Complications include spontaneous pneumothorax, infection, azotemia, or secondary hemorrhage.
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