(năr′kŏt-īz) [Gr. narkotikos, benumbing] To place under the influence of a narcotic.
(nar′kō-traf″ik-ing) The illegal production, distribution, and sale of controlled narcotic substances.
(nar′ĭs, nar′ēz″) pl. nares [L. naris, nostril; nose (in plural)] The nostril. SEE: nose.
(nar′ăt-iv) [L. narrativus, suitable for telling] A communications skill consisting of an ability to listen actively and empathetically to the patient’s history, combined with the ability to express oneself meaningfully to patients.
Decreasing the width or diameter of some space or channel, e.g., narrowing of the size of the coronary arteries, usually due to some pathological process.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(nā′zăl) [L. nasus, nose] 1. Pert. to the nose. 2. Uttered through the nose. 3. A nasal bone.
Intermittent outward movement of the nostrils with each inspiratory effort; indicates an increase in the work of breathing.
SEE: enteral tube feeding.
A mask used to treat obstructive sleep apnea that delivers positive airway pressure via a device that covers the mid portion of the face from the upper lip to the bridge of the nose.
A lightweight mask used to treat obstructive sleep apnea that delivers positive air pressure to the patient through tubes that fit inside the nostrils.
The inferior third of the nose.
The maximum width of the nasal aperture.
(năs′ĕnt; nā′sĕnt) [L. nascens, born] 1. Just born; incipient or beginning. 2. Pert. to a substance being set free from a compound.
nasendoscopy, nasoendoscopy
(nāz″en-dos′kŏ-pĕ, nā″zō-en-dos′kŏ-pĕ) [nas(o)- + endoscopy] Inspection of the nose, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx with a small angled endoscope inserted into a nostril.
(nāz″en′dŏ-skōp″), n. nasoendoscope (nā″zō-en′dŏ-skōp″), n.
(nā′zē-on″) [L. nasus, nose + Gr. -ion, a diminutive suffix] The point at which the median anteroposterior plane cuts across the nasofrontal suture.