(morʹfĭn-izm, morʹfēn″izm) [morphine + -ism] A morbid condition due to habitual or excessive use of morphine. SEE: morphine poisoning.
(mor″fō-dĭf″fĕr-en-chē-āʹshŭn) The stage of tooth formation that determines the shape and size of the tooth crown. SEE: enamel organ.
(mŏrʹfō-gĕn) [Gr. morphe, form, + genesis, generation, birth] A protein that influences the development, differentiation, growth, and patterning of embryonic tissues.
(mor″fŏ-jenʹĕ-sĭs) [morpho- + genesis] 1. Any of the processes, including cell migration, cell aggregation, localized growth, splitting (delamination and cavitation), and folding (invagination and evagination), occurring during development by which the form of the body and its organs is established. SYN: morphosis. 2. The assembly of virion from its components. morphogenetic (mor″fŏ-jĕ-netʹĭk), adj.
(mor-fog′ră-fē) [morph- + -graphy] The classification of organisms by form and structure.
(mor-fŏl′ō-jē) [Gr. morphe, form, + logos, word, reason] The science of structure and form of organisms without regard to function.
(mor-fom′ĕ-trē) [morpho- + -metry] The measurement of the shape or form of an object, as of the structure of an organ. morphometric (mor″fŏ-me′trik), adj.
(mor-fō′sĭs) [morpho- + -sis] Morphogenesis.
(mor′kyō) [Louis Morquio, Uruguayan physician, 1867–1935] Mucopolysaccharidosis due to a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase. Clinically, there are dwarfism, thoracolumbar gibbus (hunchback), kyphoscoliosis, coarse facies, cardiac lesions, moderate hepatosplenomegaly, and joint hypermobility.
TREATMENT: Enzyme replacement therapy is available for affected patients. SYN: chondro-osteodystrophy; mucopolysaccharidosis IV.
(mor″sĭ-kā′sh(ē-)ō) [L. morsicatio, a biting] Habitual or repetitive chewing or biting of a body part.
(mŏr′tl) [L. mortalis] 1. Causing death. 2. Subject to death.
(mor-tal′ĭt-ē) [mortal] 1. The condition of being mortal. 2. The number of deaths in a population. In the U.S. about 2,300,000 people die each year. The most common causes of death, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, are (in descending order) heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive lung disease, accidents, pneumonia and influenza, diabetes mellitus, suicide, kidney failure, cirrhosis, and other chronic liver diseases. The causes of death vary by age group: accidents are the most common cause of death among infants, children, adolescents, and young adults; cancers are the most common cause of death among people ages 45 to 64. Heart disease predominates after age 65. SEE: table.