(mōlt) To shed a covering such as feathers or skin that is replaced by new growth.
(mŏ-libʹdĕ-nŭm) [L. molybdaena fr. Gr. molybdaina, (fisherman’s) sinker] SYMB: Mo. A hard, heavy, metallic element, atomic weight 95.94, atomic number 42. It is a trace element crucial to plant nutrition and is found in certain enzymes, including xanthine oxidase.
(mō-mĕnʹtŭm) [L.] 1. In physics, the quantity obtained by multiplying the mass of a body by its linear velocity. 2. Force of motion acquired by a moving object as a result of continuance of its motion; impetus.
(mō-mĕtʹă-sōn) A corticosteroid, administered as a nasal spray to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis and other chronic nasal inflammatory conditions, including nasal polyps. Its therapeutic classes are corticosteroids and allergy, cold, and cough remedies.
(momʹizm) [Coined by Phillip Wylie in his book A Generation of Vipers] In American culture, undue dependence on one’s mother, esp. in very early life. This was alleged to cause the individual to be immature.
(mŏn″ŭ-kŏlʹĭn) One of a class of chemicals that reduce high cholesterol levels. Monacolin K is marketed as an alternative medicine called “red yeast rice extract” and as the proprietary medication lovastatin.
(mōʹ-năd) [Gr. monas, a unit] 1. A univalent element. 2. A unicellular organism. 3. One of the four components of a tetrad.
(mon″ar-tikʹyŭ-lăr) [mono- + articular] Pert. to one joint. SYN: monarthric.
[L. fr. Gr. monas, stem monad-, unit, unity] Suffix meaning unit, single- celled (organism), esp. in taxonomic names, e.g., Pseudomonas.
(mŏ-nasʹkŭs pŭr-pūrʹē-ŭs) A reddish purple species of mold, traditionally used in China in red yeast rice to produce fermented foods. The mold produces monacolin K, a cholesterol- lowering statin. SEE: red yeast rice extract.
(mŏn-ăsʹtĕr) [ʺ + aster, star] Single starlike figure formed in mitosis.
(mŏn″ă-tŏmʹĭk) [ʺ + atomos, indivisible] 1. Concerning a single atom. 2. Univalent.
(mon-oʹrăl) Pert. to one ear.
[Carlo Mondini, Italian anatomist, 1729–1803] Congenital deafness in which the cochlea develops with one and a half instead of its usual two and a half turns.