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(mōʹbĭl-īz″) 1. To incite to physiological action. 2. To render movable; to put in movement.


(mō″bĭ-lŭngkʹŭs) [L. mobilis, motile + uncus] A genus of anaerobic motile bacteria shaped like a curved rod. It can be isolated from vaginal fluid samples in patients with bacterial vaginosis.

Möbius, Paul Julius, Moebius

(mūʹbē-ŭs) Ger. neurologist, 1853–1907.

M. syndrome Congenital paralysis of the facial nerve occurring in the absence of other neurological deficits. It may be unilateral or bilateral.


(mok) Simulated; not real, e.g., a mock trial.


(mōdʹl) [L. modus, mode] 1. Pert. to, or characteristic of, a mode. 2. In statistics, pert. to the most frequent, common, or typical measure of the variables being investigated.


(mō-dălʹĭt-ē) 1. method of application or the employment of any therapeutic agent, device, or treatment. 2. Any specific sensory stimulus such as taste, touch, vision, pressure, or hearing.

modal personality

SEE: under personality.


(mōd) [L. modus, measure, mode] 1. In a set of data, the value of the most frequently occurring variable. 2. In respiratory therapy, any of several approaches to continuous mechanical ventilation including volume- and pressure-targeted application with full or partial ventilatory support. SEE: control mode.

mode of action

The pharmacologic mechanism that demonstrates how a drug works in the body.


(modʹĕl) 1. A pattern or form used to make a replica, as a cast or impression of teeth in dentistry. 2. A person or thing worthy of imitation or emulation. 3. A diagram representing an idea, phenomenon, or statistical relationship among variables. 4. A framework or system for organizing ideas and representing hypotheses or theories. 5. In artificial intelligence systems or machine learning, an algorithm.

animal m. The study of anatomy, physiology, or pathology in laboratory animals in order to apply the results to human function and disease.

biomedical m. The most common model of health and medicine used by physicians in diagnosing diseases, concentrating on physical processes (such as the pathology, biochemistry, and physiology of a disease) but excluding social factors or an individual’s psychology and personal experience. This model does not take into account society in general and consequently ignores the public health concern of disease prevention and that, in the developed world, a person’s actions affect or cause diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. SEE: biopsychosocial m.

biopsychosocial m. A model of health and medicine holding that, in ...

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