(mīʹkrō-pănʺŭs) Pathological condition in which abnormal vessels and fibrous tissue infiltrate the cornea. SEE: pannus.
(mīʺkrō-părʹă-sīt) A parasitic microorganism.
(mīʺkrō-partʹĭ-kĕl) [micro- + particle] ABBR: MP. 1. A microscopic particle. 2. A fragment of cytoplasm and cell membrane, released into the circulation when the cell is injured.
(mīʺkrō-păth-ŏlʹō-jē) [Gr. mikros, small, + pathos, disease, + logos, word, reason] The study of disease caused by microorganisms.
(mīʺkrō-pēʹnĭs) An abnormally small penis. SYN: microphallus.
microphage, microphagus
(mīʹkrō-fāj, mī-krŏfʹă-gŭs) [ʺ + phagein, to eat] A small phagocyte.
(mīʺkrō-fāʹkē-ă) [ʺ + phakos, lens] Abnormally small crystalline lens. SYN: microlentia.
(mī-krō-fălʹŭs) [ʺ + phallos, penis] Micropenis.
(mīʹkrŏ-fōnʺ) [micro- + Gr. phōnē, voice] A device for detecting and converting sound energy into an electronic signal, which is then transmitted.
(mīʺkrō-fōʹtō-grăf) [ʺ + phos, light, + graphein, to write] 1. A photograph of extremely small size. 2. A photograph on microfilm. 3. Photomicrograph.
microphthalmia, microphthalmus
(mī-krŏf-thălʹmē-ă, -mŭs) [ʺ + ophthalmos, eye] Abnormally small size of one or both eyes.
(mīʺkrō-pigʺmĕn-tāʹshŏn) [micro- + pigmentation] Use of tattooing to restore or simulate the natural appearance of the skin, e.g., to create the appearance of an aureola in a reconstructed breast.
micropipette, micropipet
(mīʹkrō-pī-pĕt) An extremely small pipette used for measuring small amounts of fluid substances.
(mīʹkrŏ-plātʺ) [micro- + plate] 1. An anchoring device to hold tissues together or to hold implants placed during neurosurgery. 2. A stimulatory electrode device implanted in the brain.
(mīʺkrŏ-polʹĭt-ăn) Pert. to an area with a small city (population of 10,000 to 49,999 people) and surrounding communities.
(mīʹkrō-prōb) A very small probe, suitable for use in microsurgery.
(mīʺkrō-prō-jĕkʹshŭn) Projection of images of microscopic objects upon a screen.
(mī-krŏpʹsē-ă) [ʺ + opsis, vision] Visual disorder in which objects seem smaller than they actually are. It is seen in paralysis of accommodation, retinitis, and choroiditis.
(mīʺkrō-sī-kōʹsis) [micro- + psychosis] A brief psychotic disorder. micropsychotic (mīʺkrō-sī-kotʹik), adj.