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(lith′ŏ-trīt″) [From lithotrity] Lithotripter.


(lĭt″ĭ-gā′shŭn) [L. litigatio, dispute, lawsuit] A lawsuit or legal action that determines the legal rights and remedies of the person or party.


(lit′mŭs) A blue dye made by treating coarsely powdered lichens, such as those of the genus Roccella, with ammonia.


(lĭt′tĕr) [O.Fr. litiere, offspring at birth, bed] 1. A stretcher for carrying the wounded or the sick. 2. The young produced at one birth by a multiparous mammal.


(li-trīt′ĭs) [Littré + -itis] An inflammation of the urethral glands.

lived experience

(lĭvd) The subjective perception of one’s experience of health or illness. Associated with Rosemarie Parse’s Nursing Theory of Human becoming, universal lived experiences are people’s perceptions of their personal health-related experiences.


(li-vē′dō) [L. livedo, blueness, lividness] A mottled staining of the skin, often blue or purple, as may be seen in a bruise, in emboli to the skin, in some systemic infections, or vasculitis. SEE: lividity.

l. reticularis A blotchy blue or purple mottling of the skin resulting from impaired circulation of blood. It is aggravated by exposure to cold.


(liv′ĕr) The largest solid organ in the body, situated on the right side below the diaphragm. The liver occupies the right hypochondrium, the epigastrium, and part of the left hypochondrium, and is level with the bottom of the sternum. Its undersurface is concave and covers the stomach, duodenum, hepatic flexure of colon, right kidney, and adrenal capsule. The liver secretes bile and is the site of numerous metabolic functions. SEE: illus.





 ANATOMY: The liver has four lobes, five ligaments, and five fissures and is covered by a tough fibrous membrane, Glisson’s capsule, which is thickest at the transverse fissure. At this point the capsule carries the blood vessels and hepatic duct, which enter the organ at the hilus. Strands of connective tissue originating from the capsule enter the liver parenchyma and form the supporting network of the organ and separate the functional units of the liver, the hepatic lobules.

 The many intrahepatic bile ducts converge and anastomose, finally forming the secretory duct of the liver, the hepatic duct, which joins the cystic duct from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct or the ductus choledochus, which enters the duodenum at the papilla of Vater. A ring of smooth muscle at the terminal portion of the choledochus, the sphincter of Oddi, permits the passage of bile into the duodenum by relaxing. ...

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