(loo-kēm′ĭk) [″ + haima, blood] 1. Pert. to leukemia. 2. Affected with leukemia.
(loo-kē′mĭd) Any nonspecific skin lesion associated with leukemia. The lesions may or may not contain leukemic cells.
(loo-kē″mō-jĕn′ĕ-sĭs) [″ + ″ + genesis, generation, birth] The induction of leukemia.
(loo′kĭn) A thermostable bactericidal substance present in leukocytes.
leuko-, leuk-, leuc-, leuco-
[Gr. leukos, white] Prefixes meaning white, white corpuscle, or white matter of the brain.
(loo″kō-ă-gloo′tĭ-nĭn) [″ + L. agglutinans, gluing] An antibody that agglutinates white blood cells.
(loo-koh-ar-ee-oh′sis) An abnormal appearance of the periventricular white matter of the brain, seen in people with poorly controlled hypertension, Alzheimer disease, and other conditions.
(loo-kō-sī′dĭn) [″ + L. caedere, to kill] A bacterial toxin that destroys leukocytes.
leukocoria, leukokoria
(loo″kō-kŏr′ē-ă) [″ + Gr. kore, girl, pupil of the eye] White or abnormal pupillary reflex. This reflex may be present in infants and children who have retinoblastoma, cataract, retinal detachment, and intraocular infections. Patients with this reflex should be referred to an ophthalmologist without delay.
(loo′kŏ-sīt″) [leuko- + -cyte] Any of several kinds of colorless or nearly colorless cells of the immune system that circulate in the blood and lymph. Leukocytes comprise granulocytes and agranulocytes. SYN: white blood cell; white cell; white blood corpuscle; white corpuscle. SEE: blood for illus.
Neutrophils, 55% to 70% of all leukocytes, are the most numerous phagocytic cells and are a primary effector cell in inflammation. Eosinophils, 1% to 3% of total leukocytes, destroy parasites and are involved in allergic reactions. Basophils, less than 1% of all leukocytes, contain granules of histamine and heparin and are part of the inflammatory response to injury. Monocytes, 3% to 8% of all leukocytes, become macrophages and phagocytize pathogens and damaged cells, esp. in the tissue fluid. Lymphocytes, 20% to 35% of all leukocytes, have several functions: recognizing foreign antigens, producing antibodies, suppressing the immune response to prevent excess tissue damage, and becoming memory cells.
Leukocytes are formed from the undifferentiated stem cells that give rise to all blood cells. Those in the red bone marrow may become any of the five kinds of leukocytes. Those in the spleen and lymph nodes may become lymphocytes or monocytes. Those in the thymus become lymphocytes called T lymphocytes.
FUNCTION: Leukocytes are the primary effector cells against infection and tissue damage. They not only neutralize or destroy organisms, but also act as scavengers, engulfing damaged cells by phagocytosis. Leukocytes travel by ...