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(lab″(ŏ-)ră-tor’ē-ăn) A person who works in a clinical or research laboratory, e.g., performing assays, preparing or analyzing specimens, designing protocols, or managing workflow.


(lab′(ŏ-)ră-tor″ē) [L. laboratorium, workshop] A room or building equipped for scientific experimentation, research, testing, or clinical studies of materials, fluids, or tissues obtained from patients.

containment l. A laboratory designed with special safeguards to prevent the release of potentially hazardous materials or microorganisms.

reference l. A laboratory that sets the scientific and technical standard for a nation or region because it performs tests more accurately and proficiently than local or regional labs.

laboratory scientist

Medical technologist.


(lā′brĕt) [L. labrum, lip] A decorative piercing through the center of the lower lip.


(lab′ĭ-rinth″) [L. labyrinthus, fr Gr. labyrinthos, maze, labyrinth] 1. A series of intricate communicating passages. 2. The inner ear or its bony and membranous parts, which contain the receptors for hearing and equilibrium.

bony l. Osseous l.

ethmoidal l. The lateral mass of the ethmoid bone, which includes the superior and middle conchae and encloses the ethmoid sinuses.

membranous l. Vestibular l.

osseous l. 1. The complex, hollow space in the temporal bone that consists of the vestibule, three semicircular canals, and cochlea, all filled with perilymph. SYN: bony l. 2. A network of passages with bony walls lined with periosteum.

vestibular l. The vestibular (balance and equilibrium) portion of the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. It has two divisions, the utricle and saccule, and the semicircular ducts. The vestibular labyrinth is filled with endolymph and is suspended in the osseous labyrinth. SYN: membranous l.


(lab″ĭ-rin-thek′tŏ-mē) [labyrinth + -ectomy] Excision of the labyrinth.


(lab″ĭ-rin′thĭn, lab″ĭ-rin′thīn″, lab″ĭ-rin′′thēn″) 1. Pert. to a labyrinth. 2. Intricate or involved, as a labyrinth. 3. Pert. to speech that wanders aimlessly and unconnectedly from subject to subject, as seen in schizophrenia.


(lab″ĭ-rin-thīt′ĭs) [labyrinth + -itis] An inflammation of the labyrinth. Symptoms include vertigo, vomiting, and nystagmus. It may result from viral infections, bacterial infections, or head trauma. SYN: otitis interna. SEE: Ménière disease.

Lacazia loboi

(lă-koz’ē-ă lō’bō-ī″, -ō-bō′ī″, lō’bō-ē″, lō-bō′ē″) The spherical or lemon-shaped yeast that causes lobomycosis. It is structurally similar to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. SYN: Loboa loboi; Paracoccidioides loboii.


(las′ĕ-rāt″) [L. lacerare, to tear] To tear, as into irregular segments. lacerable (las′ĕ-ră-bĕl), adj. lacerated (las′ĕ-rāt″ĕd), adj.



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